
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Living the life

 I had a good title for this post because of this pic, but now I cannot remember what it was.  As you can see Copper has it made.

When my daughter came back from taking a shower, this is what she saw.  I told her she was lucky they allow her to sleep in their bed.


I now have 171 of these  blocks.  Each one is 6 1/2 inches square. I will make a quilt top of them, but just not sure how I will sew them together.    I wish I could stop making them but in times of stress, they are not precision based, can sew and then cut to fit.  They give my mind a rest from everything else.

Roger is feeling better.  I cannot say he is 100% better, but he is eating more normal, and looks so much better through his eyes.  According to some of the numbers from the labwork, he now has stage 3 kidney disease.  We see a dr. on Thursday.  I am hoping he will repeat the labs because one other time the numbers were bad when he was feeling real bad.  When he got to feeling better, we repeated the labs and the numbers were within the normal range.  

I have had a cold...felt horrible for a while, but have come to the conclusion that I will live...LOL  So far Roger has not showed signs of getting it.  
The video today is is not funny or heartwarming.  But I found it  interesting. I showed it to Roger and he enjoyed it.  I did not know chainsaws came with blades as long as the one used here for slicing the tree into thick boards.  Whoever thought of doing things this way is a genius...but it does make me think of something Roger would have come up with.