
Saturday, May 13, 2023

When all else is impossible...

 When I cannot settle myself or decide what to sew, I can always sew crumb blocks.  The above crumb blocks are from the scraps my friend, Joy, sent me.  

I have also been making a few of these little squares...they are only 4 inches square unfinished...when they are in a quilt they will be 3 1/2 inches square. Again, the fabrics are from those scraps my friend sent me.

The exception is the center of the one below...

See that fabric in the center?  It is more than 50 years old.  It is from the dress I made in Home Economics back in the day!  It is still good...not rotten.  I would love to have a yard or two of it now.  I still just love it.
Roger seems to have settled down.  He sleeps longer without getting up and is staying up later than he did there for a long while.

I will leave you a shot of Jeremy with his new fashion accessory...