
Friday, June 9, 2023

A new lease on life...

 Just had to open with a photo of the boy!  He was about to go to sleep, but he likes to keep an eye on me throughout the day.  He does not want to miss anything.  And if Roger is watching TV in our room, he insists on going and checking on him every so often.


Roger not only has not fallen any more, but he sleeps through the night every now and then.  If not through, most times only up once.  He had not slept through the night in at least 2 or 3 yrs...and was up multiple times most nights....since being here he has slept throughh at least 4 or 5 nights.  He is still staying up later.  Which probably helps with not being up multiple times, but even before when he stayed up late, he was up at least 2 or 3 times a night.    Anyway, I am so thankful for this.

We get to see Lorelei and her mom often, least once a week!  Lorelei spent the night last night...she is in the marching band so has practice this summer.


  This is the start of my daughter's current project...the star on the left is sewn together.  The one on the right as two or three rows that the rows ares sewn but then they have to be sewn to the rest of the start.  She does the cutting, and marking and I do the sewing.  I think she had made some of the half square triangle units...but cannot remember for sure.  There will be two more stars.

There is a method of adding triangles to corners or blocks or rectangles where you place a square on the corner first and so diagonal from corner to corner....then you trim off the extra fabric.  Somewhere I picked up a handful of these corners.  I sewed them together the other day...these little half-square triangle units are probably not quite 2 inches square, and maybe closer to 1 1/2 inchesbut they were fun to make.  I may or may not trim the to make them completely square.  But I will do something with them.  Maybe make a potholder, or mug rug.

I continue to mess with the little scraps...making boxed squares, and even had several of them on the design wall, but took them down without taking a pic.  It is going to take a gazillion to make a quilt of any size.  And I mess with the crumb blocks...examples of both of these can be seen in the previous post.

I wish I could get in the swing of posting again...on a more regular basis.  Not sure it is going to ever happen again now.