
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another finish

 I finished this last week, I think.  You might think I spend way too much time on puzzles.  You would probably be correct.  I need to get something situated to do by hand in the odd moments that I am waiting.  I feel like I spend a lot time waiting on things...waiting for oven to heat up or on the timer in cooking, waiting a few minutes on the dryer to be done, waiting to put laundry from washer to dryer, etc.

I used to always have some hand sewing to do in spare moments.  And for moments I managed to fine.  And I still like hand sewing...I just don't seem to do anything about it.

We just had a storm roll got almost dark for a few minutes, and now the sun is out...for the first time today.  I need to walk out and get the mail before another storm rolls in...unless maybe it really is done.  

Copper's favorite place for a true storm is in our closet...and he spent the worst of it in there.  He is a character...he has eyes for no one else when his mom is home...unless he wants something when we are eating.  He knows I am the one more apt to share with him.