
Saturday, August 10, 2024

what to post....


The one and only zinnia that survived was this pink one.  My daughter planted seeds, they came up, but almost as soon as they came up, they disappeared.  We have no idea what was taking them.  There would be several of them, the next time we looked...they were gone.  Then there would be a few more, and they would just disappear.  However this one survived.  The plant is laying over on its side.  We have no idea how that happened either.  But it continues to bloom.

She planted marigold seed in pots and I think every one of them survived.  She has been saving seeds.                                                                                                   *************                                                                                                              I made Tomato,Garlic, Basil chicken tonight.  It had been a long time since I made it.  

This is the seasoning that I use.  I am not even sure what the directions are on the packet.  We use skinless, boneless chicken thighs.  The girls started making it first, but neither of them make it now for different reasons.  Anyway, when I make it, I put the thighs in the pan on med heat on each side for 10 minutes.  

Next I have say a cup and a half of water, maybe a bit more and mix the packet in it and pour over the chicken, turn the heat down to a bit below medium heat, put a lid on and continue cooking for 40 minutes.  I turn the chicken every 10 minutes.  I don't know if it is necessary, but I just do it.   Sometimes I have to add a bit of water but most times no.  It is easy and delicious with rice, and serve with your favorite vegetable.

Other than that I have 'piddled' upstairs more...not actually sewing but looking in all my sewing stuff.  Re-arranging a bit of it.  I was up there maybe an hour and hardly got a thing accomplished, other than finding things I had forgotten about.

I had hesitated to use the word piddled...thinking no one else on here had probably ever heard it.  But Mary of Hilltop Post asked me when I said fooled around upstairs if I meant piddlin' with my sewing.  And I told her yes.  She said her mom always said she was piddlin' with her sewing.  I think I got that from my mom, too, but am not sure. 

I hope to get up there and piddle some more before the night is out.