
Friday, April 18, 2008

As some of you may or may not have heard, we awoke to a small earthquake here in the midwest. I had done been up about 3 times with the kitties, so was not asleep. It was a strange feeling to say the least. It took me a second to realize what was going on. There is a railroad about a block away and a train had just passed, and while we feel the vibrations, this was just a bit more. Then it dawned on me what I was feeling.

Anyway, I just got up and stayed up, went for a drive and the first three are what is for Sky Watch Friday--if you want to join go see Tom
And these shots is my entry for Project Looking Through....see Mark if you want to join.


  1. What a building !!! There I would like to go !!!

    Nice weekend wishes to you, from Norway.

  2. Earthquake - was this your first?

    I love the middle Skywatch photo.

    All of the PLT photos are very good. Are the first two of a covered bridge?

    Wonderful post!

  3. Well, hope the earthquake was nothing more than that ... and that nothing happened!

    Great photos, specialy the first one.

  4. Earthquakes are nerve wracking! I'm glad it was too small to do any physical damage. It was to our benefit though that you were awakened. These are beautiful shots that you've posted.

  5. Wonderful shots! I love the middle one out of the three...Fantastic!
    I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my page. Have a great weekend!

  6. Rose: The center SWF is really nice. It looks like the Sky has a big mustache, really amazing.

  7. Hi :)

    Great photos- I really like the bridge. AND your kitty pic below is great!

  8. I had read about this, I bet it was quite an odd feeling, let alone scary. Great pictures really neat ones

  9. my cats don't like when a car passes by, I can't imagine their reaction to an earthquake! all is OK?

    love all your shots especially the tunnel.

    found you on mark's blog.

  10. I'm glad you're okay! Didn't hear about the quake. Your part of the country is beautiful, though.

  11. Beautiful photos for Sky Watch Friday

  12. Beautiful. You could relax since you got your computer fixed. :)

  13. let me be the first to say beautiful pictures, glad you are safe. Have a good weekend.

  14. That second skywatch photo is amazing with the sun's rays streaming through... I love it when it does that.... very very pretty!

  15. Wonderful shots all of them! I like the long building very much:)
    Have a lovely weekend:)

  16. awesome sky watch and project look through shots!
    thanks for coming to My Photoblog

  17. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Yes, what a howl we had.
    Do check out my ABC Wednesday! I think you would enjoy it.

  18. Wow...I love all of the photos! I love barns and the first SkyWatch is one of my favorites!

  19. Rose

    Fortunately never felt that feeling of the earthquake. Perhaps neither will feel here where I live. But the fact is that we all feel some sort of sensation, wherever they are.

    Some feel earthquakes, other hunger, other social inequality, other cold ... other war.

    These moments serve to reasoning about what really is worthwhile.

    Beautiful photos

  20. Wow these are all great your Sky Watch and your look through! Wonderful....

  21. Great composition. Excellent Sky Watch post.

  22. I heard about the quake on the news tonite. They said some felt it in Atlanta. I love your photos, especially the barn!

  23. Love the photos. Wasn't the earthquake freaky...Woke us up. You forget about the New Madrid fault, but it is definitely there!

  24. Great sky watch shots! I especially like the second one.

  25. Hi,
    Beautiful images.That sky is amazing . I'm glad that the earthquake was only small and didn't cause any damage.

  26. gorgeous SWF pictures!
    i love the first PLT shot, too! will go check out Mark's site. :)

    happy weekend!

  27. Beautiful light in the middle Sky Watch photo.


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