
Monday, April 28, 2008

Barns for your viewing pleasure

It has been a few days since I posted pictures of thought I would show a few more. The top one was taken in southern Indiana last summer. I love the looks of it--love the rounded roof and the little addition with the same style of roof.
This one was one I seen today on a seems to have been built so sturdy, but it appears the weather is starting to warp the boards. (You should be able to click on any of these to enlarge them for better viewing.)

The one above is living proof of the winds we have around here. I wonder if the farmer will eventually get around to repairing it...right now I would bet money they are working night and day almost to get the fields ready and planted.

And the one below is not far from my house and is just always so well groomed. You would think it stepped directly from some kind of barn make-over. And it is that bright red in real life...this is not adjusted with my photo software.


  1. These are really nice examples Rose.

    The top one is my favorite.

  2. Hi Rose...
    Thanks for your nice comments on my Rabbit Lane Post.. I am like you in that I will not walk the paths you see on my legs, but that dose not matter as you are kindly walking them for me...
    I love these old barns, since blogging I have seen a few now, but thats never enough when you get a liking for a thing.


  3. Old barns are buildings with character and history. Our imaginations take us back to their hayday.

  4. I love barn photos. The red one doesn't look like anything I've seen around here!

  5. I love to see photos of your old barns.
    They seem so beautiful.
    Rose, if you feel alright with it, please mail me to; then I'll send you some inner photos of those castles!

  6. Oh WOW -- very unique barns! With that 'red' barn in sight a person would never get lost LOL!! It is amazing the different barns that are with the farms, and YOU have created an interest in barns for me! I look at all of them now with a totally different thought!

  7. The barns are so pretty and really different from what I see around here.

  8. I love the look of thses old barns


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