
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am going to try to attach one more set of pictures, before I attempt to reinstall everything. That is the only way I am going to be able to use this computer. I have had the internet disconnected most of the day and a big lot of yesterday...I had the Trojan Vundo last night right before I turned it off and again this morn when I had no more than turned it on. Norton seems unable to completely clean the computer of it.

I did go and buy an external hard drive to save my music and photos...the music I do have on CD's for the most part, but I like having them on here. Plus I saved a few other things. I do so miss the I have nothing to lose but time.

Anyway, I took this picture while coming home from Terre Haute the other day--yes I was going 60 mph but there was no one close to me. And things were set fully automatic. The top picture is the one I took--I wanted to have these for Skywatch Friday, but not sure if I will be back in operation or not. This bottom one I used my software and clicked solarize in one of the filters...I think under view. Anyway, I like it. Oh, be sure and click to enlarge. If you comment on it, and I hope you do, just realize I may not get to them for a day or two.


  1. Fantastic moment.

    If you are having that problem, even with NORTON I think the only solution is to format the whole disk.

    And beware when saving files and docs and that because you might be taking them with you.

  2. Rose,
    Wonderful sky picture! I like the other one too - don't you just love playing around with the pictures?
    Hope things work out well for you. I can tell you I had Norton at one time and wasn't satisfied with it. Good luck - hope to see you soon!

  3. Oh how cool these pictures are -- thank you for sharing! By the way, I did not have good luck with Norton, what I have now starts with a 'K' and works VERY WELL! I will try to find out from my son what he loaded for me! I like it!

  4. Hi Rose - nice to find you - just been scrolling down through your blog from skywatch - photographing while driving would get you arrested in the UK - glad to hear you are getting your computer fixed - I used to have Norton a few years ago but use AVG now. I picked up a nasty something a couple of years back and it took a bit of fixing.


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