
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fields of gold....

Click any photo to enlarge
I took these pictures May 20--just a few days ago. Then while trying to visit all the blogs that participated in Skywatch Friday, I came across the post at Nature Remains. Look at those photos and then look at these and see if you think it kind of funny. Great Minds Do think alike!

It is kind of hard to believe but this corn will probably be to or well past 'knee-high by the Fourth of July.'


  1. That's almost eerie! They do look like you could have been at the same place almost.
    Great images!

    BTW, I saw some familiar images on Neal's. I saw that path of a road and said Ah-Ha!:)

  2. Beautiful fields and the flowers are really nice too!

  3. Lovely pics . Would you believe I have these same flowers ..but they aren't wild .. I have to grow them in a pot !! :)

    thanks for your visit.

  4. Is that cressleaf groundsel (butterweed)? It sure it pretty but it takes over a field if it's not cultivated.

  5. That's amazing how much alike the photos are! VEry pretty!

  6. I love those fields of yellow. Stunning photos also for swf on post below.

  7. WOW very pretty -- love those fields of gold! You are right I do believe that the corn will make it this year! Although our farmers have just been getting theirs in the ground, we have had LOTS OF RAIN in PA!

  8. Beautiful fields of gold!
    Thank's for your comment on my post today :)

  9. These fields of gold are my area, too!
    It's no wonder we're drawn to capture them!
    I'm always so frustrated with the photos, though. In real life, they're glowing and bright--you can almost feel the warmth coming off them. My pictures never seem to do them justice.

    Nina at Nature Remains


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