
Friday, May 30, 2008

More locusts photos....

Last weekend when we went for our drive, the drive where I got the photos of Miami mist, spiderwort, etc, we came across this barn.
We went on down the lane and I got this side view of it....
then came to this locust right beside the road. I am not sure what kind of locust it is--it only had buds and no open blooms at the time I took this. I think it is a honey locust, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I know my mom and dad always said locusts made good fence posts. What I don't know is if that applies to all types of locusts.
Just thought I would show you the thorns that were growing on it. I don't think I would want to grab hold of these by accident. I think it would be quite painful.
As usual, click to enlarge!


  1. Hi Rose,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment. Love your blog too, everything is very lush where you are -- very beautiful...
    Great to hear that you've been viewing my blog for a while now -- I thought you must be out there...
    Best regards, Don.

  2. Wow, what a thorn! I wouldn't want to grab a hold of that. Love the barn!

  3. We had those thorn trees at the previous house we lived in. I was all the time getting flats on my tractor from them so I finally went up to a place that repairs truck tires and had them fill my tires with stuff that would seal them if they were punctured and I never had any more flats.

  4. Thanks Rose for letting me know what kind of bird was in my yard. After I took that photo I began noticing them in my yard - it seemed they came out of nowhere.

    I always love your barn pics - I'm in an old section of Virginia today and they are plentiful - you would love them. It's been pouring the rain down so I haven't been able to get any photos.

  5. Yikes on those big old thorns, I would never want to walk under that limb and catch my head in one! I love the barn pictures -- every barn I see I want to snap pictures just for you!

  6. A wonderful series of photographs.
    These are delicate and beautiful!

  7. Those thorns look treacherous!

    Love that red barn in all that lush green.


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