
Friday, May 2, 2008

New addition to the family...

I mowed the yard earlier this week on Wednesday I think--we have a small garden spot. I mow right up to the edge of it. Then my husband came home that night and tilled the garden spot. Right at the edge he turned up a nest of rabbits. He put all the babies in one spot near the nest in the hopes that the mama would find them. Neither of us really know much about rabbits. So I have no idea if one would come or not. I seen him do it, and I just did not have the heart to go look.

Then last night he came home and camelast night he came home and came in carrying this little fellow...and handed it to me. It was very lively but very cold. I held it a few seconds, and handed it to my daughter and got on the phone to call the vet to see if they have any type of rabbit milk formula. They didn't. So I called stores in the surrounding area and a farm store in a neighboring town had formula that was supposed to be for rabbits and dogs.

I ran and bought some...looking at it closer today I discovered that even though it has pictures of rabbits, the wording does not include them. But it is all I have to work with...I have no idea if the baby will survive or not. At least if it does die, it will be warm and safe. And on the positive side, it has done lived longer for me than any I ever had as a kid. Of course, usually those had done been very traumatized by a cat or dog catching them.


  1. I hope it makes it. YOu will have to keep us informed.

  2. Well i'm the one usually saving the birds, but never a rabbit. Hope all goes well, but like you say, he's survived longer with you than he would have otherwise. So cute.

  3. We bred rabbits when I was younger. I recall both my dad and my sister feeding the babies when a mother had died.. they used watered down cowmilk.. All lived to aduilthood as far as I remember.


  4. Oh Rose, I hope the baby rabbit lives for you and your family! Good luck!

  5. Oh,my...we had lot of rabbits when I was a little girl, some of them died, most lived till my father killed them for the food (I refused to eat my friends), but two or three lived very old. I love them, I'll keep my thumbs for them (as we use to say).
    Let us know how it's going.

  6. Hi Rose, Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I think those rabbits are pretty tough little fellers.

  7. Maybe Tom has hit on the reason ours didn't live. He said they watered down cow's milk and I doubt if we done that. Maybe we can start a market for that. Dilute 1 gallon of cows milk with 2 gallons of water and sell it for 3 times the price of milk. :)

  8. My sister has some experience with English Lop rabbits and they've had the best luck with goat's milk.


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