
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Asiatic lilies

This is my first season with these particular Asiatic lilies. They were so full of bloom, just sort of didn't look real. Notice I used the word 'were'--past tense. I have been so disgusted...there are three girls in the neighborhood that have broken off most of the blooms, and on one clump of the plants there is nothing left. The plant is gone all the way to the ground. They are big girls--at least 10 years old. Part of me is just so angry, and part of me wants to get plants and go get them and have them come help me plant them...try to teach them and myself a little about them.
The little girl next door comes and asks for my flowers, and I have given her some of everything but these....I thought it being their first season that maybe I should let them bloom as much as they would. She was fine with that...I am almost sure she is a future gardener. She asks what takes shade, and told me that her grandma had to have plants that need shade. She is maybe 7 years old...


  1. Rose, I'm at the library for a minute. Lighting got my DSL modem but as soon as I get back on line I'll add you to the B&W blog. Dot

  2. Beautiful Rose!
    Are we on the same wavelength or what? LOL!

  3. Rose

    're beautiful!
    Seem large. The extent of them?

  4. Those are the most beautiful color I've ever seen in a lily! You need to get those girls and figure out how to teach them. I like the idea of having them help you plant some. What a shame that they don't know better or realize how hard it is to grow things like this! I'm glad you got a picture first.

  5. Oh, and the flower is gorgeous. I would be angry too.

  6. This is part of children raising themselves. They are not taught better because their parents are too busy for them. Sad.

  7. These are beautiful... and I feel your pain.. I once came home to around 30 daffs and tulips all pulled out. Do not give in though or else the spoilers in life win.


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