
Thursday, September 4, 2008

I can't believe I almost forgot Sky Watch!

I honestly about forgot Sky Watch! I don't know how when it is something I enjoy so much. I didn't really have anything ready...these are some I snapped from the passenger seat just a few days ago. I haven't done anything to them other than photoshop the bugs off the windshield.

If you wish to join and share your skies, check out the Sky Watch Friday Blog.


  1. wow...the 1st shot is COOL :D

    Please drop at my SWF post also: in here and here Thanks

  2. You got some great shots from the car. Nice posting for Skywatch Friday.

  3. I'm glad you remembered. Those are beautiful shots.

  4. The photos you snapped from the passenger seat are beautiful :)

  5. Perfect catch for sky watch! Clouds fill the skies above us and they are always part of our every day lives... Mine's up too hope you can drop dy!

  6. Wow Rose - I LOVE the first one. It almost looks like an underwater shot looking up towards the water.
    Great shot!
    The other is nice too but that first one is beautiful.

    I didn't do Sky Watch cause I won't have time to visit but I did want to see yours.

  7. gorgeous shot! its a lovely skies, very beautiful..

  8. Those are really something, both of them. I coud stare at those and watch them move for a long time!

  9. That top shot is a stunner! It's so unusual.

  10. 1) I'm glad you remembered. Very nice sky shots!

    2) You can photoshop bugs off of windows? I'm gradually weakening to the need of software!

  11. A great capture of the light beams coming through the clouds.

  12. the first one looks like heaven coming down! cool!

  13. Both are very nice, and I really love that first shot. Awesome clouds and sun rays!

  14. Fun photos for sky watch friday, it is interesting to see what everyone posts as we all have different views of the horizon.

  15. Well, Rose -- for photos you just "snapped," you came up with some lovely ones. The sky in the first shot is absolutely beautiful!

  16. I love the light in the top photo, Rose. You made me chuckle when you said you used PhotoShop to remove the bugs off the windshield. ;-)

  17. Very nice shots! You made me laugh also about the bugs.

  18. So good you remembered it. Love your photoes:)

  19. nice pics i like the first best. have a nice weekend. thanks for coment on mine pics to.

  20. Those are beautiful, especially the top one!

  21. They look great! That first one has such a mixture of clouds and colrs. I like the bottom one best with the drama in the sky and the dark buildings.

  22. I am glad you didn't forget - I would not have seen that top picture.
    Like it very much.

  23. Rose, not one but two fantastic photos. Thanks for posting. Also thanks for visiting mine and posting. On today piccie there is a link in the writing to a larger photo, actual size of the panorama I created if you want to have another look.Cheers

  24. the first one looks positively Heavenly!

  25. Lovely light in that first photo.

  26. These are heavenly, to say the least.

  27. Love the beautiful colors and light in the first capture!
    Happy weekend, & Happy sky~watching!

  28. I love the first picture Rose... :O)

    I hope this message finds you well.. please pass my regards on to Neal and tell him I will be around soon.


  29. What BEAUTIFUL and dramatic skies in these two photos! Just amazing ;--) Mine’s at Sacred Ruminations.
    Hugs and blessings,

  30. LOL--I have never thought of photoshoping the bugs off the windshiled. Imust try that sometime.


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