
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What kind of bird is this?

I tried to lighten this one...please click to enlarge and get a better view.

We saw these on the Mississippi...I first thought pelican and then I thought no. I really don't know their range. Then I have just been checking out the internet a little and still undecided. So, tell me what you think they are.


  1. Rose, I think that's a really good idea. We could just post an announcement on our pages for anyone who wants to participate. It would be interesting to see the differences!

    BTW - they look like pelicans to me, that's what I would call them if I saw them in my back yard.

  2. I'd say you're right, they're White Pelicans.

  3. I'd say pelicans...but I've only seen pelicans in pictures. ;-)

  4. My first thought was pelican, so if that is what everyone else thinks, I will stick with it. I'm really not sure....don't see many pelicans :-) Nice shots, even from a distance.

  5. Pelican would be my choice. Fine action shots.

  6. My first reaction was pelican and since there are many varieties it very well could be.
    Nice action shots.

  7. As a resident of Louisiana, I assure you that these are pelicans. Hard to tell, but they may actually be our state bird, the brown pelican.


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