
Friday, October 17, 2008

Blooms galore at the T. C. Steele Historic site

This is the entry for this T.C. Steele State Historic site.

I do not know what this is--is this a snowball bush? Mom had one but I don't remember it ever having any hint of color. I really can't remember much about was not a favorite of mine. However I loved this shown was at the T. C. Steele State Historic site. Steele was an American impressionist painter who was born in Owen County, Indiana on a farm in 1847 and passed away at this historic site in 1926.

I had heard the name before today, though I don't know where. It just had that familiar sound. So how did we arrive at this place? We were going for a drive to what is commonly called Little Nashville, or for real Nashville, Indiana. I was hoping for a nice leisurely drive, but everyone was in a is a two lane road a big part of the way. I seen a sign saying something about T. C. Steel State Historic something or other...I told Roger to take it.

We eventually came to the entrance shown in the top photo. Who could resist entering through that? T.C. Steele and his second wife bought this 200+acre it has their original home, his studio, their guest cottage, and her flower gardens. I am sort of upset with myself. The house--I did not get a picture of the house...and the house had a is called The House of the Singing Winds. Now tell me how I did not get a picture of it with a name like that? So I foresee another trip down there.

And I will probably post a few more pictures from there tomorrow. It was just such an awesome thing to stumble on...


  1. Hi Rose this looks like a wonderful place! Thanks for showing and the extra information. About the bushes could they be hydrangea?
    Thanks for the visit!

  2. Hydrangea was my other thought...simply because of the coloring. I have never seen any this big, but I have not seen a lot of them.

  3. I was thinking hydrangea too but I've never seen any that big. I don't think it's a snowball bush tho.

  4. Definitely hydrangeas...there are lots of varieties. My daughter carried these in her wedding bouquet! I've never heard of T.C. Steele but now that I know it is near Nashville, IN I will have to hunt for this sometime. Looks like a great place! Nice day for a drive and Nashville is always fun.

  5. Is it a variety of crepe myrtle?
    It's lovely, whatever it is.
    You have a beautiful blog.
    Thanks for your visit and comment on mine.

  6. Will have to Google Steele - those are lovely bushes alright. And familiar. The mention of snowball bushes kind of tickled my memory. Why am I thinking of popcorn ball bushes? Maybe that's what I knew them as a kid, In Michigan? Well, the memory just faded off, so...
    But love the photos and look forward to more.

  7. Interesting blooms and I'd have to go with hydrangea as well except for the shape of the tree. Ours are just large shrubs.

  8. Beautiful pictures and I do think you should go back and give us a picture of the 'house of the singing wings'. Go!!
    That is an Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandifolia' or Peegee Hydrangea. So pretty. MB
    BTW thanks for visiting my blog. MB

  9. I've never seen hydrangeas that were that big but that doesn't mean that's not what they are.

  10. Lovely photos Rose! I guess I missed this thinking you would still have your sky watch. I'll have to remember to check on Fridays.

  11. Lovely bushes and I agree with everyone who says they are hydrangeas. I have a bush that looks very much like the ones you photographed.

    Yes, go back and get a photo or two of the house! That's an order. (tee hee)


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