
Saturday, October 4, 2008

My first attempt at Camera Critters

Camera Critters is something I have seen pop up every weekend at some of my friend's blogs, but usually I have done made a post of something else. Well I am running late today so thought i would take the opportunity to join. I got this first of the geese while at Fort is blurry but I still like it. Part of the walls of the fort are on a hill higher than the rest of the fort, and this is taken while walking up there. I think I like it cause I am sort of on a level with them. And I sort of like the motion the blur of the wings makes.
This grasshopper was taken up on the Door Peninsula of Wisconsin...we were stopped at this little place created to pull of the road and view the lake...I spotted him and he let me get several pictures.
And this turkey was also on that peninsula I think...I am lucky it is this good cause again I was in the car.
And now this one is going across the upper Peninsula of Michigan I think...and it is blurry as were sooooo many of my pictures. I took close to a thousand pictures, and at least 75% were from the car. And so many of them are just a bit is very hard not to not blur shots taken to the side....looking head-on through the front windshield is much better if the road isn't too rough.


  1. My boy sure would love to see that grasshopper! Really ncie shots and looks like a nice place for a stroll! Mine is posted HERE. Happy CC!~

  2. Well, you're inspiring me, I've been thinking about CC, too. Love the turkey - would he be doin' the Turkey Trot? And buffalo in the UP, amazing! Great post.

  3. You saw a lot of interesting critters! Good shots! Love the turkey!

  4. I like your critter shots. The grasshopper is very sharp and detailed. I frequently do drive-by shots from the car and there is usually a price to pay in reduced sharpness, but the spontaneousness is right up there! :-) So I like them!

  5. You are off to a flying start. Good stuff.

  6. Hi Rose, your photos aren't blurry at all ! It's a wonderful series of great pics. I like your migrating geese: they are excellent.
    The men who died by a croc attack died a horrible death indeed!
    Thanks for your visit and comment!

  7. Nice pictures like the grasshopper.

  8. Nice collection of photos, Rose. I really like the grasshopper photo!

  9. Beautiful shots. I haven't been to Mackinaw in years. Look forward to taking my boys there in a couple of years when they get a little older. The nice thing is if I really want I can make it a day trip. Can't believe I haven't been to your blog yet and here we are both posting on Paintbox Pictures. Glad that I found you. I will be back often.

  10. Wow Rose - these are wonderful!
    Don't apologize for the geese shot - it's a great action shot and you look so close to them - an unbelievabe shot.
    The grasshopper is nice too and that turkey is HUGE compared to the ones in my yard.
    Hope to see you here every week.

  11. these are some great photos! glad you joined camera critters!

  12. nice shot of the grasshopper and the ducks!

    thanks for dropping by!

  13. Welcome to Camera Critters. I love the first shot and agree with you. I like that it is a little blurry with their motion.

  14. Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

    Please stop by both blots for some camera critters!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. I love the birds in flight. Motion blur is ofetn used my photographers to intensify movement.

  16. I'm a Michigander, so I knew exactly where you were when you mentioned Fort Mackinac. I love it up there! These are awesome shots. The buffalo one made me laugh - not what you'd expect in the U.P. of Michigan.

  17. wonderful pictures - Come again sandy and again and again

  18. wonderful set of photos, i like the first one, glad that you finally joined it is fun to see all the critters ever week.

  19. This is a fantastic Camera-Critters post! I can't stop looking at the photo of the geese - you are right, your being on their level really made this an outstanding shot. The only blur I see is the movement of the wings and that, in my opinion, adds to this photo - I LOVE it!!

    Thank you so much for joining Camera-Critters. It really means a lot to me and I look forward to seeing more of your critter photos each week.

  20. Welcome to Camera Critters! You got some great shots. Those geese should be flying this way soon.

  21. Welcome to Camera Critters! You are off to a great start! These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


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