
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Still waters...

My brother, Neal of Photographic Memories and I often discuss the merits of landscape or portrait layout for photos. I think I probably take a few more in the portrait style than he does. So I thought I would give you the different versions and ask which you like best and why.
The top three photos are all the same place, up at Mansfield, Indiana. I hope you will enlarge the photos before you pass judgement.

This was a little stream, and I am not sure if I was in Indiana or Illinois. I first thought I liked the portrait layout best, but the more I look, the more I think I like the landscape best.


  1. Rose - each style has its merits. In the stream photos I like the landscape one best as far as composition of the two shots. Now the pond images I like both styles. If you are wanting to highlight the pond then I like the landscape but if you are trying to highlight the tree as in the second image then portrait is the way to go. I know I really didn't give much of a straight answer but then again in some ways I feel that maybe the question is actually more rhetorical than anything.

  2. These are all gorgeous and I really think it depends on the subject and how you want it to portray it. Some subjects need the portrait style to accent what they are and their height. I tend to prefer landscape and the main reason is that a landscape photo makes a perfect fit for my computer desktop :-) I love putting beautiful photos on the computer screen and portrait style just don't work well. The bottom photo looks great in both draws your eye to the water and the other draws you to the entire view. But I think the previous one looks best needs the light of the sky and the more open look.

  3. I agree with the comment that "it depends on the subject." In the bottom shot I like the horizontal view best, but when there is a distinct vertical element then the portrait layout wins. You obviously watch for these factors when you shoot - a mark of one who has taken many pictures. First-timers always seem to shoot them landscape.

  4. I'll get right in line behind the other commentors - it all depends on what you're trying to bring out. They're all really nice, but if I had to pick just based on my personal visual preference, I'd go with the horizontal of the top pair, and the vertical of the bottom pair.

  5. Landscape for the the first group, portrait for the second.
    I also agree it depends on the subject and like Christy said - what are you wanting to highlight. I love that tree; but I like it in both images.
    Me, I'd have to show both anyway! :)

  6. those are some incredible photos, i love the autumn colors and the reflections in the water

  7. Each one of these is absolutely beautiful! You had a great subject to photograph and it stood still for you. :-)

  8. I think I like the landscape best. These are all gorgeous pictures!

  9. Beautiful... every one! As others have commented, I think it all depends on what one is trying to achieve, and how the subject is 'laid out,' so to speak. I tend to prefer the landscape, but some views definitely require portrait orientation. You've made the right choice with each scene, I think.


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