
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Time for Sky Watching!

It is time for Sky Watch Friday once again. It is almost a habit that is hard to break. I don't have any recent pictures , so I was thinking about ignoring the fact that it was Thursday. It has become such a habit for me, though, that I resorted to some photos taken earlier this year.

They are all taken within a very few miles of each other, and probably within 2 or 3 hours time.
The last two photos here were among my favorites, not saying that the others don't have merit. I just didn't do a good job in the first photo of capturing what I saw and though I have messed around with Photoshop, I cannot seem to recreate what I saw with what I took, so left it the way I took it.
If you want to join Sky Watch, click on the badge at the top or go HERE. It is a lot of fun to see the views from around the world and I am very thankful to the team that keeps this running. The team is made up of : Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, and Fishing Guy. Sky Watch Links officially open today at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


  1. Really nice sky horizont...

    Nice weekend to you from Anne in Norway.

  2. They are ALL pretty. I LOVE the first ones. And I don't care if you took them 20 years ago! Beautiful. (I understand the habit, too. I feel like I'm missing out when I don't post.)

  3. Beautiful sky. I love the round barn on a previous post. That is really neat.

  4. Beautiful share - thank you! My favorite is where the clouds are boiling out of the sky in the 3rd shot. That's just stunning. The great thing about sky shots is that it doesn't matter WHEN you take them - they're still amazing. Happy SWF!

  5. Grat shots, looks like there's something brewing, too?...those big heaps of 'mashed potates' behind the trees

  6. Next to last photo is outstanding.
    All are really nice.
    Well done.

    Nice "Sky Watch" today.
    Come visit our Sky Watch over, Cooks Inlet, Alaska.
    Troy and Martha

  7. Wonderful series! My favorite is the third photo.

  8. I love them regardless of when you took them. Remember photos have no expiry date. I do post mostly from my archives.

    happy weekend.

  9. I like them also, they are a great addition to sky watch Friday.

  10. Beautiful sequence of shots. I love the sky over the field and road.

  11. Great selection, especially the second and third one.

  12. The second last pic is great.
    The clouds formation and the sun that shine on it, look like a smoke from a ship.

  13. Lovely skies. I always enjoy shots over farmers' fields, that's for sure. And I get a get a kick out of your road shots, so much that I've stated taking a few myself. ;-)

  14. That second last shot with the lit u cloud is a gem!

  15. All lovely, Rose, but I really like the third one! I can't imagine that it could have been any lovlier as you actually saw it.

  16. Great photos.
    Doesn't the Fabric Shack have some great stuff?? I haven't been lately though. Waynesville is a nice little Village!
    Take care and thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.

  17. My favorite is the third, hands down!

  18. Great SWF pictures. I love the depth in these shots. Have a sunny weekend :-)

  19. Wow Rose!
    I love the layers of the clouds and yes, that next to last one is awesome!

  20. All a very good set of photos... it's interesting to view photos from everywhere... I never bore of it.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
    Mountain Retreat- Canada

  21. i am really skywatching this time.. Great collection of sky photos.

  22. Great series of photos. I agree with you that a photo doesn't exactly turn out the way you want it to. At least that happens with mine.

  23. How the sky changes, lovely shots, but he last one is awseome, so spacious.

  24. I think that all of them are wonderful, but I do like those last two a lot!

  25. That's the great thing about skywatch - most of the time you have plenty you haven't shared before. I like the really white clouds in the last pictures.

  26. Great collection of photos for sky watch friday, always enjoy seeing what folks decide to share with us each week.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier.

  27. Beautiful shots. Great perspective.

  28. What an interesting sequence of skies!!

  29. I like the contrast in the 3rd one--so clean and white.
    Nina at Nature Remains

  30. Roose: I'm going to say outstanding on that third shot. It is really special Four was fighting awlfully hard for my favorite but three won.

  31. Lovely! I'm glad you decided to participate, and older photos are always welcome. The second one with the open road ahead is my favorite.

  32. Oh Wow, it looks like an explosion behind the house in the 3rd shot. I like them all, but I have to say the 3rd one just stands out to me!

  33. All of them are great. i guess that is the beauty of SW - the sky is a changing palette all the time.

  34. very cool pics rose! i love them all!

  35. Very nice! I especially like the one with the farm and it looks like smoke going up from a fire.

  36. All the sequence is fantastic! Wonderful landscapes.

  37. Amazing photos! I love the second to the last shot:) Clear skies around but that corner has amazing ones!~ Love it:)

    Mine are up HERE and HERE. If you get a chance ;) Happy SWF!

  38. They are all lovely, but my favorite is the second to last one. Those trees and clouds are beautiful! Happy SWF. :)

  39. I am thrilled that you enjoyed the posts on Gordon, Ohio. It is something I like to do as well and I am glad you like to read things like that as well as look at the photos. And it is a relatively new blog.

    Your sky watch photos are great.

  40. It really doesn't matter when the photos were taken, beauty is bauty at any time. I love the drama in the third photo. Happy Skywatch!

  41. I like the last two photos alot. Very nice photos.

  42. ola!... that is one of a kind SWF! thanks for sharing this, i was fascinated but the view, check out mine HERE

  43. wow! i love the clouds on the 3rd photo! :)

  44. Very nice "sky" shots. I too like the last two better for their contrasting kind of clouds. But, every sky is unique and worth a shot!

  45. Wonderful pictures! My favorite is the third one. Love that cloud!

  46. Great photos, I particularly like the 2nd one, the clouds look like they could be in Close Encounters of the Third Kind and the composition is nice with the road going off to the horizon and the telegraph poles and wires following it :-)

  47. four nicely photographs,
    especially the third is splendid.

  48. Beautiful sky shots. The clouds above look beautiful.
    Have a great week.

  49. Beautiful shots!

    Hope everyone is having a Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain!

  50. It seems as though some distant volcano has erupted and spewed clouds all over the sky! Wonderful shots.

  51. I especially like the lines in the second photo, but they are all grand. BJ

  52. What a lovely series of photos. I have really enjoyed them. Thanks very much for stopping by earlier.

  53. So beautiful skies and soft clouds on horizont.

  54. Lovely photos. I especially like the last two. :)

  55. They are all lovely skywatch photos. I really like the ones with the white clouds puffing up from the horizon as though smoke from a big chimney! Thanks for your visit!!

  56. beautiful series! your landscape makes me think of our Dutch countryside. Best greetings from the Netherlands!


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