
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barn from Illinois


  1. After a long time the feet get tired and then the legs go and it is slowly on its way to rest asleep on the ground. Going down is a process.

  2. There's something about old structures like that, they make me want to just sit there and wait, watching to catch more shingles in the act of falling, or a board come down. But of course it doesn't happen that way, and I never stay for long.

  3. This must have been a very attractive barn when it was in use with the red color and green shingles. It still has beauty even in its decline.

  4. I like the shape of this barn. I don't think I've seen any quite like this here in central Ontario.

    I wonder why the paint stuck to some places and not to others. Hmmm. Maybe the barn is made of more than one kind of wood.

  5. It's sad to see a fine looking barn on its way to destruction. I like your series with the overall view of the barn followed by close up of details. Nice series.

  6. Beautiful photos, but still sad to se...

  7. The flowers on my post are Tropaeolum majus.

  8. Breaks my heart to see the old barns fall into disrepair, but it would be very tough to save them all! Character in the barn you are showing, even in its poor condition.

    Thanks Rose for the email with the helpful suggestions with my picture problems ~ I appreciate your help!

  9. Great barn photos as always - You always capture such great scenes!!!

  10. Great shots Rose - sad though. Seeing the lathe inside the walls (I think that's what it's called) lets me know it is quite old.


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