
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Camera Critters

It is time for camera critters again...I can't believe I remembered. So far, so good. Tomorrow I have to try to remember to go sign up when Misty opens the link page.
The first shots are of some of the geese that was at Dobb's Nature Center in It was already evening and overcast part of the time. I really do wonder how birdsTerre Haute a few days ago.
stay warm in he winter, especially the wading and swimming birds.
These all seem to be in good is against park rules to feed them. I am assuming because most people would feed only bread, and any kind of bread at that and that would not be nutritional for them.

Yesterday morn, I started to brush my teeth. I didn't have the light on in the bathroom, but had the door open and was just going to brush my teeth from the light coming in through the door. There was this 'stuff' which I thought was tiny bits of hair all over the sink.

I immediately thought 'well, I have not trimmed my bangs followed by the thought maybe Roger trimmed his beard. But his beard is white so even though I have not technically been declared insane I reverted back to my bangs...but I just had my hair trimmed. So reassured that it was not my hair and still half asleep, I tried to rinse it on down the didn't go. I just thought I would clean it up later.

Well, later, when I was a little more awake, I remembered I had seen Bubbie asleep in the sink, and it was his dirty little foot prints in there. I haven't seen him curled up in the sink in quite a while so I don't know what thoughts went through his head to want to sleep in there.

Oh, and now that it is cold, he and the other cats still want to go outside...they just want back inside quicker. With the inside doors closed, he is the only one that hasn't devised a way to really get our attention to let him in...Mama Cat scratches on the storm door loud enough for us to hear, while Puss Puss and Cougar gets the screen.

When I realize Bubbie is out, I will start checking on him, and even calling for him. But I think I have discovered the right way to bring him home. I have happened to turn Shelby, our dog, out two or three times when I have been waiting for Bubbie to come in. Well, when she is ready to come home she always gives a couple little barks. (Her little barks are still quite loud.) If I wait just a couple minutes after Shelby barks, Bubbie is usually there and through the door before she is.

So this is my post for camera critters. If you want to join, click on the badge at the top of today's post.


  1. I just can't imagine a cat sleeping in the sink! lol
    Enjoyed seeing your critters. The geese are gorgeous.

  2. Yes, the geese ARE gorgeous, I just love the 1st & last shots of them!
    Now, the cat is just silly - they ALL are - my sister's cat used to sleep in her sink. One of my cats waits for me to turn the water on in the tub every morning so he can get a drink, while the water is running, sticking his paw in it sometimes then licks the water off his paw! He's sooo funny!
    What did he do when you turned the water on to rinse the hair down the drain? Crazy Cats! hehehe

  3. Come back by my page & check out who all I picked for my 5 Hot Blog Award winners!!!

  4. I guess that bark worked.

    Thanks for visiting my blog in Brookville, Ohio where it is cold this morning – 13 degree Fahrenheit = -10.5555556 degree Celsius.

  5. A cat that sleeps in the sink? Very funny, Rose.

    Yeah, I bet the animals are making quick trips ina nd out lately. It is pretty cold out there for November.

  6. WOW! Those are amazing photos of the ducks! I'd love to set down in the grass:)

  7. Lovely white patches the geese have across their face. We don't get to see this species of goose here.

  8. A very attractive series today. The geese have beautiful patterns and colors. I like the account of Bubbie who must be quite a character in the home.

  9. the last photo of geese is my fav...

    My CC entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

  10. Gorgeous photos of the geese and the cat looks so relaxed. I don't know why so many cats sleep in the sink, maybe it's because it's such a snug fit.

  11. Great geese shots! They are so common, we see them everywhere so it's easy to forget how truly regal they are, but you captured that in your photos. Sweet widdle puddy-tat too!

  12. Hi!
    I love seeing geese, it always amazes me how they automatically get into their "V" flying formation. When I was a kid, we had a cat that used to get in the dryer. She got caught in their a couple of times, she didn't get hurt as she always let out the awfullest scream. Thanks for stopping by my place. Take Care!!


  13. Very nice pictures of geese. And the one of Bubbles is really great!

  14. I adore the geese photos... I am always fond of these birds... I know some find them annoying but NOT ME!!! Love 'em! You did a great job!
    Your kitty story is awesome... photo is adorable!

    Mountain Retreat- Canada

  15. You got some really nice geese shots Rose! I love the first one.

    It must just be cozy to curl in the sink. :)

  16. The geese stay warm with the down and feathers they have and keep their feet warm by sitting on them or by standing on one foot. They have the ability to close the circulation down to their feet to keep their core warm. If there is some open water and a food source, they will be there...

    New Rambling Woods Site

  17. Cats do find the most interesting spots to sleep at times :-) Mine are too fat to leap up to the sink. I love the photo in the chair...the colors of the chair are so perfect you would think the cat chose it to show off his lovely form :-) The geese are great, too!

  18. What is that cat doing? Got to laugh. Love the geese too. Mr linky is being a real pain these days.

  19. I always enjoy walking amongst the Canada geese. Here they walk on our first snowfall and never seem to be bothered by the cold.

  20. Rose: Really neat geese you have captured here, nice photos.


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