
Sunday, November 2, 2008

If it is like this now....

I can't help but wonder how much longer we will have this kind of color. The first two photos are north and west of me one block. I have been seeing them for quite a while now.
It was a little late in the evening when I finally decided to try to capture the color. I am hoping I get back there tomorrow at a better time, though I do like these. But it is just hard for me to capture how glorious the trees are. They almost seem to glow from within.
But I look at them, and the other trees and notice how many more leaves are on the ground and I can't help but wonder how far off scenes like the ones below are. At least I am hoping for at least one good snow.
Though I hate being cold, I am not sure I could ever live where it didn't snow. I love getting out when it snows better than almost anything. Oh, I don't like having an appointment that I have to keep, don't especially like to go shopping then. But I don't like general shopping at any time. However, I do love to get out and ramble around on the back roads at a slow pace.
I have always loved getting out in the snow. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to get out. I loved going sledding...and no store bought sled for us. I can remember my brothers building sleds out of just whatever lumber they could find. If Neal sees this, maybe he can give more detail...I just remember them being heavy.

I can also remember the brother that is between Neal and I in age--he and I got some old car hood and used it. Talk about heavy! I think it came from a car that had been left on some property of ours, but not real sure. We had several places where we went sledding, and it is a wonder to God that we didn't get killed at a couple of the places. Especially this brother I am talking about being between Neal and I in age...he had no fear of anything and still doesn't.

And if I didn't go sledding, I loved taking the dogs and just taking off. I guess people today would call it hiking. But we didn't especially follow a path...I liked trying to track rabbits. Not to kill them or anything, just to try to find them and watch the dogs chase them. I never can keep it straight which way they are going...whether the wide apart tracks are the ones in front or behind. I guess I should look that up when I get off here. Now I call what we did rambling around, but back then I just called it 'going to play,' but I did until the day I moved to Indiana...and that was in 1975. I had my twentieth birthday that year.

Those dogs are long gone, and though I could still ramble on a big part of the land, there is quite a bit of it owned by people I don't know. And though my two brothers that still live in TN does know them, it is not quite the same...I would not feel free to do as we did as kids. Neal and I both talk about how we would love to be home one more time when it snows. But I am not sure it is ever going to happen.


  1. Those are beautiful! I have one photo I'm going to post tomorrow that I took days ago but today our trees are almost all brown or bare for the most part.
    The snow on the barn and bridge look so cold. Great pics though.

  2. Those leaves are incredible with colors... WOW.. just stunning.
    Yes snow is beautiful and I hope that winter arrives soon for you and gives you that beautiful winter wonderland that you are so fond of! =)

  3. The snow photos make me cold. Wish the fall colors could just change back to spring colors without the winter in between. Although snow does make beautiful photographs.

  4. Those photos are so beautiful! The colour arond here isn't quite as ogod, we just didn't have enough rain this summer, so leaved turned a little, but mostly just curled and dropped. If you're having any of the weather down there that we are on the Lake today, it's rainy and sombre, with even some softly rolling thunder. The water is calm and there's a raft of mallards bunched together just off my breakwall. Your winter photos could be Christmas cards! And it did make me long (just a tad) for snow.

  5. Beautiful contrast of the 2 fall and 2 winter photos....all are lovely! I love a small amount of snow, but think I would be very depressed living where it is measured in feet rather then inches and comes constantly. Loved your story about being out in the snow and playing. When we bought this lot it had 2 old huts on it and one had the greatest saucer sled in it...really large. We had more fun with it when the kids were small, sledding on the dam in the winter time.

  6. Love the Autumn shots - the winter shots too, but the color in the Autumn shots.... sooooo pretty!

  7. Beautiful photos and lovely remembrances of playing in the snow. I like snow,too, although it doesn't snow very often where I now live. We're more likely to have ice storms. Uuggh!

  8. Your trees look as beautiful as ours have been this year. What beautiful photos you've taken!

  9. Happy birthday, Rose!

    Thank you for posting such beautiful autumn photos but also for adding the winter one. I'm with you -- I can't imagine living somewhere that doesn't get snow. Seeing it in all its glory makes me remember that winter is NOT so bad. ;-)

  10. You are doing a fine job of capturing the beauty of these autumn trees. The sledding comment was very interesting. On my recent high school reunion I got to revisit the old farm home in which I was born - a long, long time ago. I was surprised to see that people are still living there. One day I may post a shot of it.

  11. The leaves are so pretty there! I can remember when I was growing up in South Alabama we could roam all over the place and no one bothered us. Now those same places have gates and chains.
    I hope ya'll get to go home again when it's snowed.


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