
Monday, November 17, 2008


The above is not the greatest image, and for that matter neither is either one below. The ones below are actually two different taken with flash and the other without. I am not sure which I liked the best.

The other day, Don posted a picture of mushrooms on his blog and it reminded me that I had taken these.
So, being that I am running late and didn't have anything on my mind to publish, I thought I would show these. And at the same time, if you are like me and enjoy good photography, I would suggest Don's Slackwater. I just a few days ago finished going through all his photographs. They are wonderful. I will probably go back from time to time just to look at them again...I wish I had kept a list of my favorites.


  1. Neat mushroom shots! They are so many different kinds out there.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen any like these before! These are cool. ;-)

  3. I think I like the 3rd one better than the 2nd. It would all be preference.

    Got out my reference book...think they are Scaly Pholiota

  4. I like your 'shroom shots, Rose. I've not seen the like around here. I'll take Leedra's word for the ID.

    Thanks for the link to Don Wiley's Slackwater. I could easily spend hours there looking at his photographs.

  5. great looking mushrooms are they edible?

  6. These are all find mushroom shots. I like the rich color and the fine details. Nice shooting. Thanks for the links and kind words about my pictures! I appreciate the time you spent checking out my archives.

  7. Really cute little guys; I wonder what kind they are? They remind me of photos I've seen of puffer fish (aka blowfish) when they're all puffed up. And, if they're poisonous, then the comparison would be especially apt!!

  8. I think I like the non flash one Rose - both have their own merit though.
    I must be hungry because they make me think of coconut macaroon cookies! :)

  9. How beautiful! I like the second one....golden brown :-) Is that gorgeous tree in your header in your yard?? Lovely!

  10. Nope, I can't choose which image I like best either - but I'm off to check out Don's!


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