
Friday, December 26, 2008

Be careful what you say...

Remember the post I did the other day of Bubbie watching television?

Remember me talking about him being at the vet and that he was just then really getting back to his normal self?
Then remember me saying that I didn't want to leave him out there again unless it was a desperate situation?

That desperate situation came the very next day. It was a warm day, especially if compared to the days that had just passed. I had been refusing to leave and leave a cat outside for fear we would end up getting detained and it was miserable cold. I just didn't want them left out in the cold with no way of getting inside. But Tuesday morn arrived and it was not to bad. We had to run and pick up a few last minute items at the grocery. Bubbie wanted out and I thought he would be okay. We were only going here in town, about a mile away.

We came home, got the groceries in and in a few minutes Roger went to let Puss Puss out, only to discover she was staring at the door because Bubbie was on the other side wanting in. He came in with one of his back legs useless. So to the vet we went. Our vet thought he had a broken leg, but no other trauma. No blood, no temperature. Nothing. And we could not see any other mark on him.

So he wanted to keep him and x-ray him later and would call us. Well, we (Roger, Rachel and I) talked that night, and basically decided not to invest too much money in him. When the vet called, it was with the news that it was a bad break. But he could fix it with a pin...the price of this operation he figured would be about $775. Roger looked at me and Rachel, and I shrugged my shoulders. If it had been $500 even I would have said do it. Oh, and there was other things I would have said do it.

So Roger told him we didn't want to do it for that kind of put him down and not let him suffer. Well, doc says he wants to watch him over night and see how he does. With him being a young cat and cats being so resilient. He said he would call us before he did anything. I cannot tell you the thoughts that went through my head. If I was working, I would not have hesitated. Just a bunch of ifs...

I couldn't be at peace with that decision though...I kept thinking how if it was this or that pet that I have had that I would give anything I own to be able to have them again. And I thought I would regret the decision we had made. So we tried to call him the next day--the day before Christmas and no one was out there. Did not hear anything from the Dr. Christmas day, either. Didn't hear anything this morn, so we called--by now I was convinced that he had been put down and the Dr. just didn't want to tell us till we were past Christmas.

When we called this morn and he is still alive...and the 'nurse' said doing okay. Doc was going to call us back, and has since I started this. It is not too late to have him fixed right, and that is what we are doing. He thinks he will come through it fine. He will call us this weekend and let us know how he is doing.

I know some will think that is crazy to put that much money in a cat, and some will wonder why we ever hesitated. I actually wonder the latter part...I know me. My mom always said I was foolish about animals and she was right. Personally, I feel like my cats are worth their weight in gold.


  1. I do hear you Rose, and I understand! I would be in the same position you are, I love my pets too! Do you suppose he had himself caught in something and twisted to get free? The pictures you share with us, show him as a beautiful him Rose, he is special!

  2. ROSE---that's such a hard decision. I see both sides. We had a cocker spaniel for 14 yrs. and spent boo-koos of money on her. George and I don't have pets now mainly because of our traveling. I like pets---but it all depends upon one's financial situation. $775 is alot of money to some people and nothing to another. I just think it's an individual choice/decision. For you, it sounds like you have made the right decision.


  3. I'm very glad that I didn't have to make the decision you had to, but I am very glad that Bubbie is going to be okay.

  4. A touching situation and tough decision to make. I'm glad Bubbie is going to survive this trauma. Bubbie is a fine looking cat.... keep us posted as he recuperates.

  5. It is always such a tough decision to make. I'm glad you are going to have Bubbie around for a long time.

  6. I'm so sorry about Bubbie. I hope he'll make a full recovery and be watching TV with you again soon.

  7. Awww... what a tough decision indeed. I would be spending that much on my kitty, even though I know it would be tough to come up with the monies but my kitty is special so I understand your dilemma and I hope Bubbie will soon be well and snuggling up with you!
    Mountain Retreat- Canada

  8. I totally understand the difficulty of this, too. My husband says he would never spend money on a cat, so I hope we never end up in a similar situation.

  9. Hope Bubbie gets fixed up good as new. I'm glad I didn't have to make that decision.

  10. AAAAH Rose, my heart goes out to you at that time as i know what you went thru,But you know money is only that, and the love these guys give us is so well worth it. We have way too many cats but there just isn't any way that i would not do anything for them.
    I have to tell you about my hubby and our dog Beauty who lived to be just a few months of being 23 yrs old.Always in good health but on our last camping trip with her, she loved to go, anyway she was going for a walk with hubby and on the way back from the walk she must of had a stroke, to make a long story short we rushed her to a vet which of course was on a weekend in a small town, She put her on medication and kept her for the night, the next day she said there wasn't much she could do anymore, so we took her and headed back home to our vet, who sent us to the animal hospital. The vet there told us that her time has come, but hubby couldn't let go so after $1,000 Plus dollars the vet called me back and said look we can keep her alive as long as you want us too but her time is here. It was the hardest thing to have to tell hubby it was time to let her go, he finally agreed but he grieved for her for a long time.But one thing he always says he never regretted spending that money to keep her alive. .
    They are like our children would we do any less for them?
    I think however that these Vets are way out of there price range when it comes to taking care of our pets. You know i have found a vet here that is so honest and reasonable with his pet costs, he will tell you right up front if something is necessary or not. He never tries to talk you into doing something you don't need too.Or never makes you feel guilty. Anyway i do hope that Bubbie gets along ok.My prayers are with him.

  11. Hi Rose, what is it about these feline fur bags that they can steal our hearts, like this. I am sure Bubbie will be running around as good as new one of these days.


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