
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Before and after Sepia Scene

To join Sepia Scenes, or just to see more click on the above's Mr. Linky isn't open yet. I am posting this early cause I may be in Terre Haute later. If I am there when it is open, I can join from Sarah's computer...but I couldn't post pictures from there so will get it ready now.
I kind of like seeing the before and after thought I would show both. I think they are a little dark, but then the day was very dark and dreary.
I went in and lightened them just a tad bit with Photoshop and thought maybe you could tell me which set you like the best.


  1. I think I like the 2nd set just a little better because it's lighter - you can see more. There's snow falling, right? I'll keep an eye on Mr Linky, I'm excited about my 1st Sepia Scenes post!!!

  2. I was going to ask you about Sepia Scenes Mr Linky and why it wasn't open yet! hehehe

  3. I like the bottom 2. Looks good no matter how you post it! Did you ever visit Bruce's blog...she isn't blogging right now but her link in on my list. She is sending out some really nice old barn photos in email instead of blogging. Her email address is on her blog and I think you would enjoy seeing them. She would add you if you wanted to be on her email list. Hope that isn't too confusing! or email

  4. I like the lighter set in both the untoned and toned versions. Nice comparison and this shows how PS can be sensitively used to improve a picture.

  5. I, too, prefer the lightened versions. I do like your barn photos!

  6. I like the 3rd photograph the best.

  7. In the sepia ones, I think I prefer the lightened one, but it may have a lot to do with the background color of the blog, too. Overall, my favorite is first one. What intrigues me about it is that it's almost naturally sepia. The tones are so subtle and close to each other that you almost don't notice right away that it's not a monochrome. But it's a lovely subject, and I really do enjoy them all.

  8. Rose, I would like to see the color picture with the exposure bringing the snow to white. I always prefer snow pictures with the snow looking bright.

  9. When I opened your blog I thought I was confused on what day it was! So glad you explained. :)
    Well, for the original I like the first one best - it evokes that it was a dark and dreary day - true to what you saw.
    For the sepia I like the lightened one - it tends to make it look older as I envision sepia should do.

  10. Rose, I like the 2nd one from the end the best--although they are all good. It's amazing how much better some pictures look when we can 'tweak' them just a little!

    Have a safe trip!

  11. I think the first photo, unaltered, is lovely, Rose. It looks exactly like the day it was, dark and dreary...but moody too.

    As for the sepia, I think I like the top one. But whatever, it's a very good barn to take photos of!

  12. Well, I'm the odd ball, I like the first set. I think they're richer.

  13. I like 1 and 3 best. But they're al interesting and great.

  14. Yes, I like the first photo the best. But they are all good in their own way :O)

  15. Hi Rose. Barns are just about the perfect sepia scene image. Love how the "new" is made to look old.

  16. I prefer the third one for sepia scenes and the last one for the coloured version. I must say though, they are all very nice and I can see why you would have had trouble choosing!

    Thanks for your visit and spending time looking and commenting on so many of my posts. You made my day!

  17. I like that 3rd shot the best - lightening it and using sepia really bring out the texture of the old wood.

    PS I've played around with my raindrop shot some more - come see :).

  18. The 3rd shot is my fave! nice capture!

  19. Tell you the truth, Rose, I think I like my black & white and sepia photos darker and brighter. You probably already know that you can brighten and darken using "Saturation/brightness" and "levels." Great sepia shots and I love the before and afters. :)

  20. Great comparison of colors! I think I like the first set...But all of them of course denotes coldness and calmness! Thanks for your visit and happy weenkend!

  21. I like each of them for different reasons but I like the bottom the best - more detail in the fence and front of the barn


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