
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Camera Critters--featuring wild turkeys

Coming home from a drive on the 14th, we were less than five minutes from home when we spotted these turkeys.Roger stopped and I got out....I was getting closer and closer. They weren't paying much attention to me.All the time I am looking through the viewfinder and snapping pictures. Not looking where I am walking.
Then I stepped on a can or kicked it, not sure which, and the photography session was ended.But it was fun while it lasted.If you want to join and share some critters of your own or if you just want to see what everyone else posts, click on the badge at the top of this post.


  1. Wow Rose. Great shots. Glad you didn't fall down!!! Those turkeys look fat and healthy.. Guess they are happy they escaped the table on Thanksgiving!!! ha ha

  2. That last photo almost looks like water under them, but I know it isn't. Nice photos & shots! I've been forgetting about Camera Critters lately! I gotta get on the ball!

  3. These are wonderful Rose!
    Ours disappeared about deer hunting season. We do see a flock every once in awhile when we go out for groceries. They're too far from the road to photo.

  4. Great captures Rose. Those Wild Turkeys are funny aren't they? You never know when they will simply ignore you or when you will never catch sight of them.

    Thank you for your "about me" post. I would like everyone who reads this to go read Rose's about me page. She will touch your heart.

  5. wow! gorgeous turkeys, I love all the photos excellent capture. Check out my entry here and thanks.

  6. More Turkeys than I ever see in one place.

  7. wonderful, I sure am glad you are safe!

  8. So very cool! I love that you got out of your vehicle to photograph them ~ good for you. :)

  9. that's cool you got as close to them as you did.

  10. Wow, very cool turkey shots! And I love your header, so pretty :o)
    Thanks for your visit!

  11. I'm so jealous! We had turkeys here too, but like Carletta's ours disappeared in deer season. We still see them in neighboring areas, but I never seem to have a camera on hand at the magic moment. Great capture there.

  12. Great photos. I expect it was cold out there too.

  13. Oh l like these shots, and it looks like there pretty well fed....

  14. You really did get very close, Rose. Lucky you!

  15. Great photos! These turkeys are different from the Australian ones, which have more red in their feathers.

  16. A fun turkey series. I have turkeys walk by my back window as they casually look for something to peck at. It seems wild turkeys are thriving as are the deer all across the country. Very nice series.

  17. I've never seen wild turkeys. Only ever seen the naked ones in the supermarket and one or two in a zoo. Great shots. Like the story and then the last photo with them running away. Nice CC-entry.

  18. Sometimes the wild turkeys don't act so wild. Other times they would have been gone when you got out of the car.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun
    Leedra’s Greeting Cards
    Photography By Leedra

  19. I love the shot of them all leaving!! it just makes me laugh

  20. Great pictures! We often see wild turkeys on our drive to church. They are on a golf course right in the middle of suburbia...


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