
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mixed bag...

This is basically a mix of this and that....first off, I am sure some are wondering about Bubbie. He is getting around better every day. He is learning to deal with that bulky bandage...still eating and cleaning himself. He pulled out all visible stitches Friday, but the wound did not gap open, he did not bleed any so we were not concerned about that. He is even about to master going to the potty by himself...still needs a little assistance in propping himself up but not much. He does worry me that he does not drink any at all...I have started using an eye-dropper and giving him some with it. And he still shivers. He is scheduled for a check-up tomorrow as is Cougar.
Cougar is doing fine...his abscess was and is not slowing him down any at all. It was just a knot under the skin right beside his spine. When I was putting him in the cat carrier to take out there, it had already gone down so much. I actually feel it is useless to take him back, but will go ahead with it.Now, for a total change of pace, I had meant to include this little tidbit of information on my New Year's post and forgot about it till later. I think I got my digital camera in November of the end of December of 2007 I had only taken 2519 images with the end of this year, it has taken a total of 7,049, (that means I have taken 4,530 photos with it just this year), plus I have taken 196 images with my new camera, and I think it was around 80 images I have taken with the little point and shoot. That is getting up close to 5,000 shots in one year. Thank God for digital..I would never have taken near that many with actual film. I could hardly believe it when I seen the numbers.These pictures were taken January 8, 2005...they have not been converted to black and white but I think they look it. The last image is just a cropped portion of the one above it. I like the way the snow is stacked on the little 'balls' of the sycamore tree.


  1. Rose---I was wondering if you had gotten this snow this week.. Guess not!!!! We haven't had any this winter so far. Sigh!!!

    Yes, thank God for digital. Since we know it is digital, we take many more shots of the same thing--trying to get the best picture. That's a good thing!!!

    Glad you are enjoying your camera!!!

  2. Beautiful Rose!

    The numbers I've seen for your new camera is 50,000 shutter life...same as the XT. 100,000 was mentioned also. I'm not sure how to read this yet but it's interesting. :)

  3. Love the snowberry shots!! And the update on pets, too. Bless their little pea-pickin' hearts - and yours too for taking such good care of them! Yes, TGFD (thank god for digital). You reminded me of what a pain it was in several body parts to have to take a roll, drive 40 mins to the nearest 1-Hour place, leave them (because it was never an hour, usually several) drive back the next day only to discover they all stunk... rinse, repeat!

  4. They DO look like B&W, Rose. Amazing.

    So glad Bubble is doing a little better! Keep us posted. ;-)

    You sure have been busy with your camera. I think digital cameras are addictive! I've got the disease too. LOL

  5. Thanks, Rose. I used to feel guilty about taking so many pictures, but you've shown that I'm a real amateur -- 3500 is about the most I've taken in a year.

  6. Hey Rose,
    Sure hope the kitties fair well at their appointment.
    I love that first shot - a great snow pic.
    I don't even want to know how many photos I've taken. I have an external harddrive just to save them on.
    I took almost 500 while I was in Virginia alone. EG has it right - addictive!
    'Hello, my name is Carletta, I'm addicted to taking pictures'- LOL!!

  7. beautiful!love the snow berry shots.

  8. Glad that Bubbie is doing so well! These photos are wonderful with the snow on the branches. I've been wanting to do some shots of different trees against the sky, but keep forgetting. Digital is wonderful! Can't imagine going back to film and taking few photos.

  9. Nice looking shots. I have seldom seen snow pile up on branches that high.

  10. I like your "snow" pictures very much. The big tree beyond the fence got my eye right off! The closer in shots of the berries are very good too. Nice work. we're getting more snow today on top of a record winter's snow already! :-)

  11. Great photo of the old tree and fence row with the snow.


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