
Saturday, March 7, 2009


I took two or three pictures of the barn above last fall...the other day when we went fishing and came home a round-about way and passed it again..I took this and a couple more of it. I just love the style of it. I like the colors, I like the lightening rods. You know though, I just now got to really noticing all the doors. Wouldn't you love to know what this barn was used for? And why had I not noticed them before.
It makes even less sense when I tell you that I seen this barn for the first time when I took this and a couple more photos of it. When I enlarged it, one of the first things I noticed about it is the little door in the center...the one that is about one third of the way up. It is a regular door below it, but it is kind of hard to tell that it is a door because it blends in so well.

That little square door above it really has my curiosity up...I would love to know what it is for. And I also wonder why I really noticed it but all the white doors on the other barn barely registered.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the barns, Rose.. If you find out what the little square door is used for, let me know. Interesting...

    Have a good week.

  2. Two fine barn pictures today. I have the same puzzle when I see barn around here and always wonder how they were used. It's interesting that both barns have that tiny door at what seems to be an in-between height. Nice post.

  3. The first one has so many doors it really makes you wonder why. The second one is of the same style of some I see around here.

  4. Well couldn't you ask the owner what it was used for? Do tell us when you know! I am getting curious too!.Thanks for your visit.

  5. No idea on the doors, but both barns are neat looking! Good photos!

  6. These two I like!
    I'd love to have an old stone barn like the first one. It would be so neat to live in that one.
    With a little bit of love and care the second one could be quite handsome again.
    Good shots Rose.


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