
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not here yet

I am trying to be patient and wait for spring, in the meantime I thought I would post this dogwood blossom again. Dogwoods are probably my favorite flowering tree...though I really love them all.

This is in my front yard, lucky to be alive. I don't know what happened but it got injured when it was young. Almost killed in fact. The bark was missing at least half-way around and probably a width of 8-10 inches up and down the little trunk of the tree. I left it alone, not really believing it would heal itself but it did.

However, the blooming was changed. It was a pink dogwood when I bought it, and though it had only bloomed a few times when it got injured, they were always least when it was in full bloom. After the injury, the first year or two it bloomed, the flowers were much more white with just a touch of pink. Slowly, it has come back to basically a pink dogwood again. Yet there are usually a few blooms with a touch of white to them. I guess in time it the white will disappear.


  1. I'm glad your dogwood is OK. I wish that mine had not died and still need to get a replacement going in its place, but the birds still come to the dead tree. I have a little one growing up beside it...I hope it survived the winter. Beautfiul blossom!

  2. Wonderful survival story, and a real beauty!

  3. A fine spring-like picture and an inspiring survival story too. Nice post.

  4. Happy Happy St Patrick's Day, RoSe!

    Ya know, they say that the reef isn't as colorful anymore cuz of pollution & what we're doing to the environment - also that the more colorful the sunset is due to more pollution in the air. I wonder if that has anything to do w/ it?!!

  5. How is baby Lorelei?! She sure is cuuute & she's soooo tiny! Beautiful baby!

  6. Such hopes of Spring in that photo. It's just beautiful.

  7. I always loved dogwood as a child. When we moved into this house it had a couple of dogwood trees so I was very lucky.
    I can hardly wait for the new bloom and new pictures this year with my new camera. :)
    Your achived one is beautiful - great center.

  8. It's amazing it survived if it had lost so much bark! That's where the "veins" of the tree are. ;-)

    The flower is lovely!

  9. We have a dogwood tree in our yard and it will still be a while before it blooms. I'm glad your tree survived.


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