
Monday, May 11, 2009

How many chin-ups can you do???

Please click to enlarge for a better view!
I happened to walk out the back door, and happened around the corner of the house and there was this handsome fellow and he didn't fly! I went just as fast as my feet could carry me to grab the camera, back outside and he stayed in position while I captured him in the act. How would you like to practically be doing a chin-up when eating...for that is what this position reminds me of.

As for me, I feel better, but now have a cough started. This flu/cold or whatever is sure is taking its slow sweet time leaving my body. For right now, my spirit is willing, but the body is weak is a fit saying about a lot of stuff for me. There are things I want to do, but just don't have the energy.


  1. 1/4 of one??? And that's being generous!
    He's doing better than I would.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Take your time and rest with the recovery Rose, you need to be feeling better to give *hugs* to Lorelei!

    Amazing the positions birds seem to be able to hold, to enjoy those morsels of food, but they do it! Our area has been cautioned to limit birdseed, especially with Sunflower seeds, they are attracting the Black Bears, and they are becoming bold with feeders...remember my blog post of last year with the destroyed feeder. Makes me have mixed feelings I enjoy watching the birds, but don't really want to tangle with a Bear!

    Hope you are totally recovered soon!

  3. Great photo! Glad your bird friend waited for you. Forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your cow photo.

  4. take it easy and get better a bit at a time

  5. A fine shot showing us how innovative birds can be when it comes to eating! Nice shot. I've had a flicker do a similar "hanging on a feeder, but just barely" to get some sunflower seeds.

  6. Oh I hate it for you that you're sick! Hope you're up & at em again soon!

    No, I don't think I could eat like that - Poor lil guy

  7. I'm glad you're feeling a teensy bit better, Rose. Soon you'll have it beat!

    The bird does look like it's doing chin ups. ;-)

  8. Glad you are feeling better! I love when they hang like that, although it looks so uncomfortable!

  9. What a super shot. It looks uncomfortable tho.

  10. Love the whole idea of a bird doing chin-ups!! And hope you get over the wet-noodle stage soon!

  11. Rose: I would say as many chin-ups as it takes to get its fill.


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