
Friday, June 5, 2009

Almost a Sky Watch Friday post...

Saturday when Sarah called me to tell me about the big bank of white clouds, some of which are seen in the above photo, and others I showed here....I was facing east to capture them.
Looking to the west, these are what I saw....there was a few miles as well as a few minutes time between the two views. But they are amazing. Best when enlarged of course.
And the one below is the view to the south. I think it looks like a watercolor almost!
I had thought I would have the chance to post these for Sky Watch Friday, but since I won't get to visit anyone other than those I normally visit, I am not going to sign up. However, if you are enjoy seeing pictures from all over, it is a fine place to find some nice views from around the world.


  1. I LOVE the first photo! It has everything I like in it!

    Getting on Sky Watch was/is an ordeal today. I had big issues and I almost deleted my post. :(

  2. I like your photographs a lot. They are a reminder to me of the weather we will have here in southwest Ohio this summer.

    Thanks for visiting my Gordon Ohio blog and for commenting there.

    I hope you get to see my new blog about flowers. Our Flower Pot.

  3. These are great shots of the developing weather and show how no two cloud shots are ever the same. Very nice series.

  4. Beautiful shots. I love it when the whole sky can look so different whichever way we turn. Love those big puffy clouds.
    Excellent shots. MB

  5. You got more great sky pictures here, Rose. I really like the clouds in the first three and agree that the last looks like a painting.

  6. Great photos, Rose. I'm sure the Skywatch people would love to see all of our pictures. I especially like seeing the one with the sun's rays... It looks like God is smiling down...

    Enjoy your baby!!!

  7. Rose: You do have some wonderful skies to share for today.

  8. I love that second shot! Beautiful!


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