
Thursday, June 25, 2009

SkyWatch Friday!

I am actually going to attempt to join Skywatch again....not sure if I will get it done or not. With babysitting our granddaughter, time passes so quickly and I get very little time to be on here.
Please click and enlarge for best viewing.
However, as many of you know I make regular visits to a place I call the strip pit area which is a former place of coal mining. The land is privately owned now and all my photos from that area are taken from the road.
If you click on the label strip pits, you might see the reason I return there so regularly. There is quite a bit of wild life to be seen most of the time, and sunsets never fail to impress me. I will swear to myself that I have enough sky pictures, but I don't think I have ever came home from there without having taken some sky pictures.
So here more for your least I hope you enjoy them.

If you want to join the fun, click on the badge at the top of this post. Skywatch is hosted by Fishing Guy, Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, and Louise.


  1. I love these Rose!
    I like how the sun is positioned between the poles in the first one and the reflection in the second one.

    I remember when I stayed with my grandbabies I thought I'd do this or that. I took a book to read, a magazine, and a journal. Wrote in the journal maybe two days. Babies are a busy business. :)

  2. Beautiful sun/sky photos, Rose. I always enjoy your pictures from the strip pits.

    I enjoyed the Big Shawnee Creek trip you took also. Isn't it fun just to get out and drive--not knowing where you are going??? I love to do that... Looks like you found a neat creek. Love that last photo.

    Don't you just love the smell of sheets that have been hung out to dry on the line outside???? There's no better SMELL... AND---I agree. I don't like to iron either--and never do these days.


  3. Beautiful photos with wonderful colours. =)

  4. lovely captures rose.
    one can never take enough sky shots :)

  5. Really marvelous captures, Rose, beautiful colors! Erin is right, one can never take enough sky shots!!

    Happy SWF!

  6. Lovely skies, Rose. I'm glad you're posting Sjy Watch photos again...but I vertainly understand why you haven't for a while. ;-)

  7. Lovley skys!

    The first one is stunning :)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Beautiful pictures with an awesome light and colours. Wow!

  9. Love them all - you just don't get a bad pic from those pits!!

  10. Gorgeous skies! I also cannot resist taking a few more sky shots!

  11. Lovely sunset.
    Very nice colors and photos. :)

  12. I enjoyed them, excellent shots.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  13. Rose: Beautiful shots of the sunsets, thanks so much for joining in.

  14. the reflection on the last photo is simply amazing!!!
    My SkyWatchFriday

  15. Well Rose these are just gorgeous... I can well see why you like this area so much...
    Have a great weekend and give Lorelei a cuddle from Jane and myself.. :O) She gets prettier every time you show her off... ;O) We have our Cara Jade stopping right now.. she is tucked up well and is sound asleep as I write this.... ha! so is Jane as it's only 03.45 in the morning.
    My post are: Sky Blue and Sky Poem

  16. Sunrise and sunset are great times to take pictures... though it is harder to get up early to see the sun rise than to catch it on the down side. Great shots.

  17. Hi Rose, and thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

    The skies here are just gorgeous! I love the beautiful pastel colors and that silhouette of the power line (I see all of the little birds lined up on the wires!) :O)

  18. Very nice pictures here, love the colors!!!

    Have a nice SWF

  19. Lovely. Rose! The photo of your granddaughter is so sweet. She is adorable! Thanks for your visit. In a week or two I'll show a slide of the castle.
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Wonderful Sky Wath pictures. I like the one with the sun between the power poles. I take so many sky pictures--well I just have too---kjust like you do. MB

  21. I like this series very much. The distant sunset and the zoomed in view make a fine pair. I too like the first sunset between the poles. Nice post.

  22. I love the beautiful pastel tones of the sky and the way it is reflected so vividly in the water..

    Beautiful shots !


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