
Monday, June 1, 2009


A couple more pictures from last month! From the same day as the irises I posted yesterday. Enlarge the pictures, at least the one above and look at the old truck truck sitting under the overhang. Right after I took this picture, someone else posted a picture with a truck in it similar to this but I don't remember who.
I am weary again tonight...not so much from Lorelei as from not a good night of sleep last night, and then tonight when I went to fix supper, I was making some cornbread and I burned the first pan. I assumed it was my fault...but I actually thought the oven was hotter than it should be.

I quickly made another pan and stuck it in, and made sure I put the timer on this time. In just a bit, I thought it smells like something is burning. I ran in there and checked and it was burnt again! And the timer/temp area had codes. I took the bread out of the oven and turned everything off...only even with switching everything off, the oven stayed on. I told Roger to go flip the breaker.

He came and told me he was going to flip it back on again just to see...I said okay but I want it left off. He flipped it on, and there was a flash in the oven and the codes popped up again in the time/temp area. He flipped the breaker off again...and I can still vaguely smell the smell. Not really burnt cornbread, but more like plastic or something that has been burnt.

So I have been looking on consumer reports and a couple store sights trying to decide what stove to get. I think I am just going to have to go pick one out in person. I don't trust getting this one is probably only 4 or 5 years old--if that. One of the smooth tops...and I have had things sort of 'funny' with it ever since I got it. One big burner cooks a lot slower than the other...or should I say cooler. One burner also had this button to push that was supposed to hold something to a simmer...sometimes I had to push it two or three times to get it to work, and sometimes I had to jiggle the knob that turns on the burner to get it to change temps.
Those are the main reasons I am tired. But Lorelei was a blast today. This morn it was comfortably cool, and I took her out on the front porch to sit a while and had our old collie dog, Shelby, out there with us. Lorelei had sort of laughed at her when she first saw her while I was changing her diaper earlier. So, I thought it a good idea for her to go out with us.

I told her to bark, and Lorelei threw her head back and laughed when she did! So I would get Shelby to bark and she would laugh. Then some ladies when by on their morning walk, and Shelby don't just bark...she does this bark/talk thing. And Lorelei laughed and laughed! And no one was there to see it except me, though I just know the ladies had to hear her.

And have I told you that Shelby tends to go sleep in the room with Lorelei when I put her down for a nap...and if Lorelei cries, she comes and looks at me to let me know I need to go get that baby. I think she is finally realizing I can take care of her without her help, but that first week if I waited a minute to see if Lorelei would go back to sleep she would come look at me and look back in Lorelei's room.

Well, I definitely need to go to bed....good night.


  1. Neat barn and old truck! I'm glad that only the cornbread burned. Hope you find a new stove. Kiss Lorlei and go get some sleep!

  2. Nice barn photos.. it is very cool to stay there.. :)

  3. A fine barn. It does take the larger version to see the truck better. Nice shot. The old cabin is a "find." Sad to see all the old places about to disappear.

  4. I really like your two pictures. I'm sorry to hear about your stove -- it's always a hassle to replace things like that. I didn't realize that Shelby helped you when you look after Lorelei!

  5. Hope you got a good night's sleep - that puts the whole world in a different light...

    Ever since I was a kid, I've loved old barns, old trucks, old tractors, old machinery...When very young I would sit on old rusty machines at Grandma's farm in northern Minnesota and pretend I was driving somewhere...

    Great fun! Great photos!

  6. A great old barn Rose and well taken care of it seems. Can't say the same for the little cabin.
    Hope today you are well rested.

  7. I must say I think I saw the top photo before. Was it also here?

    Voices from the past >

  8. Hi Rose, I'm sorry about the stove/oven. Hope you can find one that works better than this one did. Don't get the same brand... ha ha

    Love your barn pictures --as you know I always do...

    Glad Lorelei has a 'friend' watching her and making sure that you do a good job of taking care of her.


  9. Get some rest my don't want to become sick because of exhaustion!

    Yes, I think looking at the stove in person is the right thing to do, at least with my new frig. it helped to make the decision for me...I love my new frig.

    Love your barn picture, and oh that pitiful cabin..makes me sad!

  10. I have enjoyed reading this very much... it was like a letter from my sister.... telling me how she was goig on..
    Love the old building and I would have been all over that old truck.. :O)

  11. Rose: Hang in there, things will get better. I love your old buildings. I shoot them whenever I can.

  12. I wouldn't trust that stove either, Rose. Sounds like it's a lemon.

    I really like the two photos. I can't resist an old building with such character.

    It's great that Lorelei laughs easily. Happy kids are often healthy ones.


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