
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Choices to make....

Please click and enlarge for the full effect of her smile!
I had meant to take pictures of Lorelei all week but just today got it accomplished.
It was hard to make choices of which to post, so I may be going overboard.....
but at least I made a collage of some of them.
She is a character as you can see...
I really need to have the camera ready when her daddy comes though...she is just soooo glad to see him.
But for now I will leave you with this and probably a smile on your face.


  1. Yeah, you went overboard, but I'm glad you did! She is a doll! I can see why you're so proud of her!

  2. She's adorable! I didn't know grandmothers could go overboard with photos of grandchildren!

  3. Absolutely wonderful pictures, she is gorgeous! How much fun your day must be, (I know busy with her), but oh so much fun...I can hear her baby sounds as I look at the pictures! Thank you so much for sharing, and she certainly is growing, and such a charmer!

  4. Nope nope nope... You can never go overboard in my opinion. You just never know what you might get with each click you get! That special smile, that wink, that little gurgle she does with the curl of her lip... these are her precious years and gosh, you will never be able to reclaim them again! So go ahead and snap away!
    These are fantastic... she is super duper cute and gosh, she is really getting big... what an angel!♥

  5. Yes, there is a smile on my face! A wonderful series of this beautiful child. Strong photos of her expressions.

  6. I don't think it is possible to go overboard when showing such an adorable baby! What a little "bubble blower" she is and such big eyes! So cute!

  7. A D O R A B L E! She's sooo cuuute!

    I hope that big toe she's munchin' on is good! hehehe

    I love that face & those looks

  8. Hard to pick a favorite, so I am sure it is hard for you to pick a favorite. Yes, her smile is contagious. She is precious.

  9. Lorelei is certainly a happy baby. I think it would be impossible to be around her without a smile on your face.

  10. Oh My Goodness, Rose. That grandbaby is just gorgeous!!! I love all of those pictures---but I guess my favorite is the 3rd one (two below the collage). Love those bright eyes.


  11. She does like to smile!
    She's adorable Rose!

  12. Seeing her photos always make me smile. She is so beautiful Rose. You are blessed.


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