
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pretty + Prettier

Our surprise lilies really are a surprise this year...I do not know why they have been so beautiful. It has been years and years since I have had a full crop. The above photo is about half the bed of them. As you can see below, I don't think there could be another bloom possible.

And here is the real beauty....she is so funny. She totally wore me out one day...just her. Just wasn't happy no matter what. But the rest of the week she has been a normal happy baby. She has laughed and laughed Shelby, at me, just everything would turn her gigglebox on.
She does this thing where she jabbers from the back of her throat and that is what she is doing in the above photo...just having a good time. Her belly is full, her bottom is clean, and her grandma is paying attention to her.

Not sure if I will get time to visit tonight...I have things I need to do. My Cougar used me as a race track early this morn till I got up and let him out. I am worn I need to get to bed early if possible. But will see how that goes.


  1. Lorelei is growing, she is so precious. surprise lilies might look like this, but I probably won't be alive to see them that thick. :)

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  2. The Lilies everywhere this year have been gorgeous. Guess they like this summer's weather... Yours are gorgeous.

    And of course that Bright Eyes is gorgeous also. Maybe she is teething. One never knows about babies...


  3. Lorelei is just so cute! She has a beautiful smile :-) I've been seeing surprise lilies everywhere this week! A bumper crop for some reason and like you say....all beautiful! I have a few and they look better than normal.

  4. Yours is the second post in as many days that I have seen surprise lilies. I can't remember where else I saw them.
    I think I'd like to get some to surprise me next year.
    Lorelei is growing! I'm going to see Lily and Lucy in a couple of weeks. Lucy makes a lot of cooing noises I hear over the phone - just not the same as seeing her. :)

  5. This seems to be a good year for most vegetation in my yard too. Tons of rain and no real high heat.

    Lorelei is such a joy to see in photos. Too bad she had one bad day but hey! Most of us are grouchy once in a while. ;-)

  6. The lilies are amazing!

    But little Lorelei is priceless. What a cutie!

    Have a great day!

  7. I like the beautiful, prolific blossoms of those lilies.
    Lorelei looks good in these close up. I especially like the expression of the last one. Nice shots.

  8. I agree with you -- the lilies are beautiful, but Lorelei certainly outshines them.

  9. Rose: The lilies love the rain and Lorelei thrives on the milk. They are both certainly beautiful.

  10. I can just imagine hearing Lorelei as you are describing her jabbers as she's having a fun time!! It makes me giggle to see these pictures... what a beautiful little girl.
    She is a sweetheart, what an angel!!


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