
Saturday, August 15, 2009

From the road...

This was taken at an Amish greenhouse, taken as we were passing by, somewhere in Parke County. Roger did stop, but I didn't get out of the car. It was such a riot of color that I could not resist it.


  1. Very pretty, especially when you click on it--quite colorful!

  2. Never thought I'd say a riot was "nice," but this one is!

  3. I'm a fan of drive-by shots. You've done a good job of arresting the motion of the car and getting a good shot of the brilliant flowers. Nice one.

  4. A riot of color is a good description for this photo. Good capture!

  5. I bet the plants are well-cared for at this greenhouse.

  6. Rose: That is a wonder of a colorful green house.

  7. Looks like lots of color & pretty flowers!

    Madea is a pretty talkative cat - she climbs a lot, too - she's a riot, herself! hehehe


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