
Monday, August 10, 2009

A little something to look at.....

Lorelei is not coming today, so have a time to do a post....I was going to do one late last night and got detoured. So here is something to look at if you came for a photograph, but what I really want is some feedback on the following....

What I wanted to talk about is blogging. I have wondered how does everyone else find the blogs they visit regularly? I really don't remember exactly how I came across the blogs that got me started, nor do I remember whose blog was the first. There is a handful of blogs that I know were the first ones that really got me hooked...I liked the content of their blog, and they were so friendly and their personality came through so loud and clear that I still visit them and though I may not visit every day, I do go back and check each post. Every now and then I miss one, but it is a fluke and I generally catch it at some point in time.

Also, what attracts you to a blog? With me, it is sometimes just the photographs....and sometimes it is the writing or both. I suppose if I had to pick just one, that photography would win, yet I love some of the writing. There have been a few posts that I have laughed till I cried...they were so well written I could just see it all. And I wished I had the talent to express myself so well.

Does anyone else ever just sit and click that 'Next Blog" link at the top of most blogs from blogger and do you ever find one you want to continue to visit? Seems like most days I do that, the majority of the blogs I get will be in a foreign language, but yesterday I indulged in doing that for a while. Though a few were in other languages, most that I came across were in English. But I still didn't find a single one that I wanted to add to my bookmarks.

And is there any blog that you have went back and looked at every single post? There are two I have did that with, and there are others I wish I had the time to go back.....and I probably will someday.

Anyway, was just wondering...


  1. How funny! I found your blog by clicking "next blog" at the top of the screen. I was on a blog that I had linked from yet another blog that I linked off a blog I read regularly. You ask a great question, but I don't have an answer. I was asked this on Saturday by someone who said he doesn't get the whole "blogging thing" anyway. I was just stumped to try to explain it. Although I have seen a good explanation (for my purposes) from a post on Friday. If you want to read that post, send me an email at caronosberg -at- gmail -dot- com and I will send you the link. I don't know the person who posted it. I like your dragonfly photos!

  2. Hi Rose...

    Interesting post today. I've been blogging for a long time and now, with the photo blogs, I find that I've got way too many favorites...

    It's nice to have so many wonderful blogs to look at and read, but there is just no way I can get to everyone of them every day!

    Frustrating, but...I usually end up hitting those blogs who respond to mine. I wish I could do more, but I don't have enough time...

    Notice that I always come back to you!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. When I go to Scenic Sunday, Watery Wednesday, Mellow Yellow Monday, etc. & visited the blogs from there, I'll find the ones I like & add to my blog list. That's mainly how I find mine. And yeah, it's usually the pictures that attract me & how nice & neat the blog is laid out - if there's a lot of ads or too 'busy', I don't like those & I'll skip them. I hate visiting blogs w/ all that junk!

  4. Oh I also wanted to add that I have clicked the Next Blog button, but when I come across a foreign blog, I just 'X' out! I don't usually visit blogs that aren't in English, cuz I don't know what it says.

  5. A beautiful blossom shot. I never tire of flowers. I used to keep bookmarks, but finally went to Google reader so I know when a new post has been made.
    And I too have more sites than I can get around to! That is frustrating. I use Google's Language Tools to translate foreign language sites- it's very quick and fun to see what is being said. You are obviously one of my favorites! :-)

  6. I enjoyed reading your blog today. I like blogs for both the photos and for the personality of the writer. I do visit some non-English blogs with the help of Google translator. I most regularly visit the blogs of people who visit my blog.

    By the way, if you need more room to store some of your salsa, we have an empty shelf down here. It looks delicious.

  7. Hi Rose, You asked so much--so don't know if I can say it all in my comment.. But--I'll give you some of my opinions. I like blogs about people and their lives. I tend to NOT like the meme blogs because they usually don't say much about the person and their life. I like a combination of blogs with pictures and words. I want to get to know someone. When some blogs are so private that I don't even know where they live, I tend not to continue reading those blogs.

    I follow people who read and comment on my blog. When I find someone whose blog I really like, I will look at the people who comment on those blogs. That's how I find new bloggers. AND--when new bloggers come to my blog, I always comment back on their blog. If they keep coming back and we like each other, they become my new followers. I don't follow people who won't come to my blog and comment very much. SO---I do keep up with who comes to my blog and who does not. It's a big job--but I find that I have more of a relationship with people when we communicate regularly.

    I have never clicked on other blogs (next blogs) just for the heck of it. I will say that I try my bet to comment on someone's blog--when they comment on mine.

    As you know I love positive blogs--where people are generally happy and sharing their lives. I do try to help those who are in need of prayers, etc. also. As I said, I like to establish a relationship with people. Hope this helps.

  8. Really good writing attracts me as does fabulous photography. One is not as good without the other.

  9. Hey, Rose! Great question!

    I found you through Tom of Wigger's World, I think. He was one of the first people I found in the Blogosphere and I liked him instantly. And when I visited your blog, I liked you instantly too.

    I like to connect in some way to other bloggers. With you I feel a down-to-earth, honest connection. I think you are not pretending to be anyone other than yourself...and I really, REALLY like that. Besides many of my favourite photo subjects are similar to yours. LOL

    Some blogs I visit regularly because I enjoy the friendships that have developed. But others I visit because their photography style is sooooo different from mine that I want to learn more about what and how they photograph what they do. I'm curious.

    And I LOVE memes because many of them PUSH me to think about subjects and techniques I would otherwise overlook. And through memes I've discovered some favourite blogs.

    I rambled on a bit. I hope I answered your question!

  10. Rose: I would say there are three ways I find a new blog. One is through the Meme that you post. Two is from a person visiting you and you like what you see when you do a return visit. Three is from reading a comment on someones elses blog and find interest in that person. It is a fun world out there and I have met in person some great people through their blog. Doing Next Blog is not for me.

  11. I don't click on the Next Blog button ever....most of the blogs I have found have been because I clicked on someone's Favorites List (occasionally I will scan those for new friends to check out) and sometimes I get Comments through a My World Tuesday or Skywatch Friday post I have done, and have made new friends that way. Sometimes it's the photography that draws me in; sometimes we have common interests; sometimes the person's life is one I can fantasize I might like to have (like the people who live in the mountains or in New Mexico on a ranch)It just depends. But, I have made many wonderful friends!!! I haven't blogged much this summer and I feel really "out of the loop" but I hope that will be changing.

  12. I never was able to find a worthy blog by using the next button at the top. I think some have found me (not sure how they did), and I have found some. When I think it is time to find some new blogs I look at the people posting comments on blogs I already visit. I might just get one from there, but then when I go to that blog I find commenters to that blog. I think that is the best way to branch out. I then click to be a follower, and follow for a while. If I decide I really don't enjoy that blog, then I click to stop following that blog.

    I am more drawn to the photos (I know that one really surprised you), and sometimes just skim over the words to see if something interest me. If nothing catches my eye in the words I just comment on the photographs because I almost always can find something worth commenting on about a photograph.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  13. Lovely picture!

    It is the photos that attract me to a blog, and then good writing.

    I sometimes go in search of specific things, but otherwise, good photos do it for me.

  14. I have clicked the Next Blog button several times (don't bother any more), but never found a new blog that way, nor did I ever see any of the ones I already visited. I think I find most of the blogs I frequent from the comments they leave on blogs I'm commenting on, or maybe the blog name catches my eye. Having said that, I'm not sure how I discovered your blog...could have been either. Or on someone's blogroll. However it was, I'm glad I did!

    I like a nice mix of photos and notes. I read somewhere that it's good to limit blog posts to around 250 words (which I regularly exceed by 100 or so, but I try). I find that some bloggers regularly have posts that are more like short books, and that's too much for me, and I tend to drift away.

  15. Hello Rose... I have sent you an email ...

    Hugs.. have a good day!


Thank you for visiting my blog...I hope you like it enough to take the time to comment. I enjoy comments so much, and always try to make a return visit.