
Monday, September 21, 2009

Every picture tells a story

All the photos in this post were taken by Roger.

Just a little snooze time around noon.

And someone else being woke up after Lorelei's snooze time.

She could not reach him with her hand, so she rubbed and rubbed his head with her well as kicked him.  He just laid there and took it like a man.

Let me have him please!  There was no doubt that was what she was thinking.

Roger wanted me to lay her near him, and the first thing she grabbed his ear.  He never got mad or upset...he finally stood up to be petted by us and then turned around and sat down and watched while I dressed her.


  1. Oh what a cutie. I can tell that Lorelei loves animals---like her Grandma... AND--kitty seems to love her also... Those pictures are marvelous, Rose. Thanks!

  2. Some cats can be quite forgiving of babies. It's quite amazing really. Roger got some great shots!

  3. awww...such sweet photos. the baby is soo cute and the cat so sweet:)

  4. The kitty has a fine understanding (with patience) of how to be a friend to Lorelei. A wonderful series of the two together!

  5. I just love it when housepets understand what a baby is and act with patience and tolerance. It's just so sweet.

  6. What must those two, non-verbal as they both are(for now) make of each other? A small "people kitten"? A soft warm furry touch under a tiny bare foot?

  7. Wait til she starts walking & kitty can't get away! hehehehe Lordy Lordy! LOL

  8. Lily's kitty let her do things we couldn't get away with doing to him.
    I just bought those same pajamas for Lucy!

  9. What a brave and friendly cat...mine would have run screaming from the room and hid under the beds....or in Mouse's case, probably have gotten nasty and scratched. Good thing I don't have grandkids, I guess.

  10. Cute, cute!! The cat actually looks like it's smiling. The baby is beautiful!!

  11. These are adorable pictures of that sweet grandbaby and her kitty! It reminds me of when our grandson was still small...he followed their cat all over the house! It's sweet the way babies love animals! He has a new cat in his house now (he's 7 1/2 now) named Elvis! :-)

  12. These pictures are absolutely delightful.


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