
Friday, September 11, 2009


This is one of the gourds from the garden...I tried to count but they are hard to see in the jungle that was once my little garden. I think I am safe in saying that there are at least a dozen of them, and I actually think a few more. Will I be able to get them dry...who knows?
Today as I was sitting with Lorelei, the news shows were showing film from 9/11....I bet everyone remembers exactly what they were doing the day of the attack. I know I was back in the far corner of the orchard picking Jonathan apples and the boss came out and told me what had happened.

The strange thing is I don't remember how I felt....I think it was somewhat unreal to me. Even after going in and watching some of the news. I just couldn't believe it had happened. For days afterward, we did not see a single contrail in the sky. That was so strange....and I wonder did anyone else notice it. I think I noticed it more because I was always outside...always watching for hawks, or if I was moving my picker from one place to another, I would count how many contrails I could see out of boredom.
Lorelei went to the doctor today...they were told she was just really congested. I was so afraid she had an ear infection just because she had been pulling at her ears, and also because she would whine and fuss till I give her a bottle. Then she would only take a couple of ounces and quit. It is a good thing she don't have one. I just hope she gets to feeling better soon. Her mom and dad both have the cold, and Roger and I both have it.
I have tried and tried to get links installed on both my blogs. I thought I had them installed till my sister-in-law told me she couldn't pull anything up. When I had a minute I got on the old computer and checked, and they did not come up. So, when I got time, I got on it using Internet Explorer and got the one I wanted installed on here.

But on Time Stand Still, the same widget would not install and I had to use a different one. I have no idea why they worked like that. I use Firefox on my laptop, and everything seemed fine the first time around.


  1. Those gourds would make nice birdhouses! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Love the gourds, Rose.. Can't believe that you have so many...

    Sorry about Lorelei's cold (and all of you)... Hope you don't get that horrible flu.

    I'm going to write my thoughts about where I was on 9/11/01 in tomorrow's blog. We were out of the country.

    Don't know what your problem is --but we use Firefox and Safari and don't even use Internet Explorer.

    Take care my friend..

  3. Rose I was looking at 'bottle trees' on the net a couple of days ago and saw gourds all painted in dots hanging on a tree and thought what fun! Wish I had some. I may have Hubs plant some next year.
    Hope everybody feels better soon.

  4. That is quite the gourd with its color and shape. I hadn't thought of a bird house. They look like fun though. When little ones gets colds, it's so hard to tell what they need or how they are feeling. Get over those colds soon!

  5. That gourd is amazing! What do you use them for? I'm ignorant re: gourds...other than I've seen them used for decorations.

    I was playing golf when 9/11 happened...went home and was glued to the TV for days. An incredibly sad time.

    Blogs are a mystery which may never be solved. Keep on keeping on!

    Re: The Villages...yes, I think those homes are relatively costly...

  6. What an interesting shaped Gourd.

    Oh poor little girl... I hope she feels better soon...
    And I hope the rest of the family gets feeling better soon as well!♥

  7. Rose: Looks like you are ready for some bird houses. I do hope lorelei get well soon.

  8. That is some gourd you show here. It looks like it will make a great bird house or decoration. I hope Lorelei is feeling better by now (and you adults as well).

  9. Love the gourd! That one would make a good birdhouse :-) I've thought about making one and putting a little web camera in the top to take videos....this style of gourd might work well for that!


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