
Saturday, November 7, 2009

As we were sitting on the front porch

Photo by Roger
As we were sitting on the front porch this morn, I was wondering how many more days we would have of pleasant weather. I was thinking about all the joyous moments of sitting out there holding Lorelei this past summer...wondering what would she would have been doing if she were here today. And I was also wondering a bit about what the future holds.

Across the street, Kay came outside and started jumping rope. The first thought that popped into my head was:
Up the ladder
Down the ladder
H O T!

That was one of the little rhymes we chanted when we were young and jumping rope...and on the Down part, we jumped as fast as we could. And this thought lead to the thought of other rhymes. I could only remember fragments...I could remember the phrase 'turn around,' and one about going upstairs...and there is one about who you are going to marry: doctor, lawyer, Indian chief.

I did a quick glance on the computer and came up with:
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Turn around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Touch the ground.

Teddy bear,teddy bear
Turn around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Tie(?) your shoe

Teddy bear, teddy bear
Turn around
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Out goes you.

As we jumped rope to Teddy Bear, we did the actions...I am not sure about some of the words here, and I also think we had more actions we did but I cannot remember them.

All I can remember of another is:
Cinderella, dressed in yellow,
Went upstairs to see her fellow...
and this was followed by something about how many kisses she got...

The one about who we are going to marry completely escapes me, but I do think it was a rhyme for jump rope...and I think we had other rhymes but I am having a real mental block when it comes to remembering them.

I was hoping Kay would come over: I wanted to see if they used these same little rhymes...I am sure I taught them to my kids but not sure if anyone else knew them. Were they common place every where or just a regional thing? Is this one of those things that remains the same in spite of the passage of time, or one that passes away into only the dim memories of the older generation. (How odd to think of myself as among the older generation--sometimes I have a real problem believing I am.)


  1. We had a gorgeous day also Rose. George and I planted 48 Pansies today. I just kept looking around at the gorgeous blue skies.

    I remember those little rhymes. Jumping rope was always fun!!!! I'm sure you can't wait 'til Bright Eyes gets old enough to jump rope!!!!


  2. I remember the girl downstairs jumping rope to 'Teddy Bear' when I was a kid. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone jumping rope, but there aren't many children around here.

  3. A fine sleeping lorelei picture. I found the rhymes very interesting. Keep thinking about those days of long ago and much more will come back to you.

  4. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief,
    Doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief.
    Her shoes will be
    Wood, leather, high heel, low heel, sandals, wooden.
    Her dress will be made of
    Silk, satin, cotton, batten, rags.
    Her house will be
    Big house, little house, pigpen, barn.
    Her rings shall be made of
    Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, glass.
    How many children will she get?
    1, 2, 3 . . . . .
    And now you're married you must obey,
    You must be true in every way.
    You must be kind, you must be good,
    And make your husband chop the wood.
    So many memories on the playground.
    This made me remember a time I as in Junior High and I boy came and jumped rope with us. He was cute and he liked me. :)
    Sweet pic of that precious one.

  5. An utterly adorable photo and cute story.

  6. "Rich man, poor man, begger man, thief, doctor, lawyer, indian chief." or "Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief." Somehow that second one sounds older. Most of us don't know tinkers. I was never co-ordinated enough to jump rope :-)

  7. We used to do a slow/fast one that went Salt, vin-e-gar,mus-tard... PEPPER!! (that was the fast part!)

  8. Another beautiful post Rose...
    I love to reminisce also.. it seems to come so naturally as well.. I see, hear or even smell something and my minds is transported way back to times long gone... Small detales are so clear of times back then yet now I have to think real hard at times where the sugar is kept or which draw has the sharp sissors in...



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