
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not a great picture, but a great cat

Before I ever started thinking about getting my own cat after we moved here, there was TJ. He belonged to a girl up the street. I can almost guarantee that he was the king of the cats around here. He was not neutered or anything, so you can see the scars from all his fighting if you look at his ear.

Yet he was one of the best cats ever...he would come here and stay for a few days ever little bit. The girls were young and there was nothing he liked better than for one of them to carry him to a chair or bed to snuggle with. If I was outside sitting and reading, he would come and sit beside me to be petted, but if I were writing a letter, he would lay across my paper till I had to stop and pet him.

He is long gone, but we think of him often. Especially if Cougar leaves and is gone for a day or two...we wonder if he has another home as TJ considered this his second home. If he was gone too long, his 'mom' would call down here to see if he was here. She didn't mind, she just wanted to know if he was okay.

I often think he would be the perfect cat for Lorelei, though I really think my Cougar and Bubbie are going to be fine.


  1. What a great looking cat, he does look like one that would rule the neighborhood. I can't imagine not having a cat. My best every sidekick Tasha died last year but I still have Miss Cindi, a real sweetie.

    Can you tell I love cats? Great post Rose.

    Have a great weekend,

  2. Lorelei has grown up with Cougar and Bubble so I bet they will be very patient with her.

  3. Love TJ... Love those white paws... I had a cat all through high school(named Snowball). I loved that cat. After I went to college, Snowball died. The first time I went home, I was terribly lonely and missed him so much. I have such good memories of him --just like you all have of TJ (even though he wasn't really yours).


  4. TJ is one fierce looking cat!

    I'm sure your two will be great with Lorelei.

  5. What a pretty cat and I like the rakish ear :-) Reminds me of the black cat that has adopted me as a second family. He was out there this morning.

  6. TJ looks like he's had a vigorous and exciting life ... so far. He has great looking fur and a very nice expression. I too like his "enhanced" ear.

  7. TJ looks tough, but it sounds as if he was a real pussycat (in the best sense of the word!).

  8. He looks like a cat prizefighter with that cauliflower ear!

  9. I wonder if TJ stands for Tom Jones. He was a very handsome Tom. MB

  10. He certainly looks like a great cat! :)


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