
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Northern Harrier

I ran through the strip pit area again this you see it was a drab and dreary day. Even though I did not see it rain the whole day, it had rained last night and everything is just saturated.

The Northern Harriers are back in full force....I was never very close to any of them....for more than a few seconds. But in the distance, I seen seven in one spot. I have no idea how many are out there...they are amazing. And fast! I can be watching one, and glance away just for a few seconds and look back and it will have disappeared! Even if they are high in the sky.

They tend to hunt while flying just a few feet above the ground....then they disappear into the background. Yesterday we saw one catch something...Roger thought maybe a muskrat. It snatched whatever it was and flew over a little hill, so no chance to take a photo.


  1. I wish there was some place around here like the strip pits you have. Of course, around here there would be houses on the land before long.

  2. Nice shot of the harrier! They fly so low to the ground, I always seem to lose them behind a hill. I haven't been to our stripper pits for a month! Need to go when things slow down.

  3. You did manage to get a nice shot of this Harrier. I don't think I've seen one in person. Here to a fine holiday tonight and tomorrow!

  4. MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY, Rose, especially that precious little baby Lorelei Rose! Have a wonderful time & be safe!

  5. Even on a bad day, I'm sure it is fun to drive to the strip pits, Rose. You can always see something interesting there. The picture of the Northern Harrier is GREAT...

    Merry Christmas.


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