
Sunday, January 24, 2010

listen to Winter Closing In

I have been having a hard time blogging for one reason and another. Part of the time it is one thing, and part of it is I don't have many new pictures. But I found something to share today.

I was killing commercial time while watching the Saints and Vikings...Colts done won, BTW. Anyway, I google Tim Grimm every so often. Just to see if I have missed anything. Well, I ran across what is a new song for me. It so fits here and now...well, maybe not today since it was shirtsleeve weather, but it sure expresses what I have been feeling. It is a song I should have written. Even if you don't like the music, listen to the words.

I always think that a good song is one that I see a whole movie just in a few verses. I have featured Tim Grimm before, so hope you don't mind a new one from him.


  1. Hi Rose, That guy is really good --especially on his guitar. Great words --just like you said. I love WINTER for the most part. I like having the leaves off of the trees so that I can see the birds better. I love a crackling fire in the fireplace. I love getting into bed using my electric blanket. I love hiking when it's cold outside.. AND --I love SNOW (which I don't see much of here). Sigh!!!!

    BUT--winter can be depressing also with the drabness and dreariness. We all just need to make the BEST of it. Right????

    Thanks for sharing...

  2. I really, really enjoyed this Rose!

  3. The sun peeped thru here for about 5-10 minutes yesterday. :) I do really get tired of the cloudy days.

  4. Thanks for sharing this with us. I liked both the words and music. I agree with Neal -- I'm getting tired of these cloudy days.

  5. That's a beautiful song! I really liked it - Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Very nice

  6. Winter here has been warmer than usual...but also foggy and dreary. When the su shines I grab my camera and shoot, shoot, shoot, Fortunately, I also get a kick out processing some of my photos in Photoshop, which is a great thing to do when it's not so nice outdoors. ;-)

  7. I listened to the song and I know what you mean. The words are perfect.

  8. Lovely song. Even though we seldom have snow or too cold a winter the words are very fitting---and I for one can't wait for spring. MB


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