
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The finished quilt...

Roger got busy this morn and made a take-down rack for me to use to hang a quilt from to take if I only had the lighting to do a good job. If it wasn't so windy, I would take it outside to take photos.
But these at least give you a glimpse of the quilt in all its glory.
This is something I just sort of made up as I went along...

There is a pattern called an Irish Chain and this has the feel of one, though it really isn't one. It is Sarah's...I want to take it to the laundry mat to wash the first time...I will use a Shout color catcher in case any of the fabric bleeds. Though now that it is done, I might be able to do it in my washer...I first thought it was too big.

Some quilters wash all their fabric first thing when they bring it home but I like working with new fabric. I guess the first time I have a quilt ruined I will do different. I did buy this one fabric several years ago...just a beautiful vivid blue...I had a feeling I should wash it before I used it. It bled so much, repeatedly that I never used it for anything.

I am trying to make up my mind to get out another quilt top and get the sandwich made and pin basted...I may wait a day or two. The one I have in mind is almost as big as this one I just finished. I guess I will just wait and see what the weekend brings.
For a story that will give you a warm feeling all over, read this story. I belong to a quilt forum and the link was posted is one of the best heart-warming stories I have read in a while.
The day started with thunderstorms...I was up about daylight unplugging computers. Even though they are on a surge protector, I don't totally trust it. So if I am here, I unplug them. Later, it was the 60's was over 70ยบ yesterday! Things are trying to spring to life. I hung out a load of clothes, even though it was dark and cloudy one minute and sunny the next. Probably dark and cloudy more than sunny. I just love hanging out clothes. I don't know why. I like hanging them in an orderly fashion, shirts with shirts, jeans with jeans, towels with towels, etc. I even separate them as I get them out of the washer.

Sometimes I wish I had a wringer washer. When I was a kid, that is what we washed with. And laundry day was sort of an all day job....well, at least all morning. And we had to be there in the evening to bring them in off the line. I can't help but think how much water would be saved. I have heard the auto washers and dryers called time savers, but I am not so sure. I hate to think how much time I spend running up and down the basement stairs taking care of them.


  1. Yeah! Congratulations! It is gorgeous! I'll buy it!

  2. Rose: Neat quilt with a cool pattern. Think of all the exercise you get up and down the steps. Those old washers were a pain.

  3. Beautiful! I don't wash my fabric either...I used to but not anymore.
    Great minds do think alike...That is too funny.

  4. Your quilt is beautiful. You did a wonderful of making up the pattern as you went along. Running up and down the stairs might be good exercise, but I also remember the wringer washer my mother had.

  5. I like this quilt a lot and sure hope none of the fabrics run!

    I'm off to read the link you provided.

  6. Oh Rose, It is SO gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it with us. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Sarah will enjoy it so much... Love the pattern. You are just SO creative and talented....

    Thunderstorms here today also--but the sun is out now (that it's late in the afternoon).... ha


  7. It looks like a great quilt to me. I can't imagine the time and trouble it takes to make something like this.
    I remember my mom using a wringer Maytag out on the farm that was run by a Briggs Stratton motor!
    So much for the good old days! :-)

  8. It turned out beautifully Rose!
    You have so much more patience than I have.
    I remember when I was about five of getting my hand stuck in a wringer washer. I scared my Mom to pieces. I was fine though; but to this day I can see myself standing there on our porch in front of that washer. :)

  9. Good day to you Rose... watched the video... she is growing up... our young Malakia who's 7 months now, as started to say the odd word... mum, dada, nan, pop, just about getting there. He's granddad little fellow for sure.. ha!.. I can tell you now if we met we'd be talking for hours about the grandchildren... I think it is the only subject it is right and proper to brag about.
    Rose the quilt is beautiful.. I think to have a heirloom like that would be so special... I have knitted large blankets for the grandchildren... and soft toy galore but I'd love to be able to make something like a quilt. I was once good with wood.. when my boys were young I made many toys for them.... but since I had my heart by-pass (over 7 years ago now ) I cannot put my mind to it... simple jobs have become a chore... it really is as if I've forgot how to use basic tool skills... yet other stuff as seemed much easier...
    Anyhow nice to have called by and caught up... love the header you now have... it makes for a great welcome.
    All the very best to you and yours Rose...

  10. What incredible work! I've been reading you in my reader and decided it was high time to come in and comment, can you tell!?

  11. Oh, this is gorgeous, Rose! I love how it looks hanging there. It is so hard to get good photos of quilts if you don't have them hung up somewhere. You did a terrific job on the quilting. I don't think I would want to put a quilt through a wringer washer...surely that was hard on them. I don't pre-wash my fabrics either. Laughed about your sorting and hanging, but I would probably do the same thing :-) It's been so long since I've had a line to hang clothes on, that I've forgotten how I did it.

  12. Rose, this quilt is just delicious. I love scrap quilts the best! ~karen


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