
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good visibility

We got up sort of early for us and was gone from here before 8:30...the rest of the week has rain forecast for almost every day. Or it did have...I haven't checked today. We were headed north to Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area to see the Sandhill cranes again and yesterday seemed the best day to make the attempt.

I am telling you now, if rain was not in the forecast so much for the coming week, there is no way I would have traveled yesterday. We were in fog so thick most of the way thick you couldn't see what was in the road right beside you. Go here, and look what is right beside the road...notice the 3rd photo down especially. Now we were in the lane this photo was taken from so we were across the median, etc....but there are others almost as close on our side of the road and even though I was looking for the wind turbines, I never spotted a single one on the way north. That gives you a clue to how thick the fog was.

When we got so far north we were going to have to get off the 4 lane road, we decided to find a place to sit and have coffee and wait for the fog to lift. We did take our chances though and traveled a few mile on a two lane road to Watseka, Illinois....we went to this little mom and pop restaurant and ordered coffee.
The first thing the waitress told us there had been a 10 car pile up just right there close to Watseka....that all the ambulances had been used. We sat there at least an hour, and finally thought the fog was lifting, but as we left there I thought I saw a junk shop so stopped there for a few minutes before heading out. There we heard 12 cars, and this morn I did find a link and it said 12 cars.... These top two scenes were after we left there...
And these are the Sandhill cranes we went to see. I didn't get many good pictures...of course with all the waiting it was the middle of the day when there and though my focusing skills leave a lot to be desired, the lighting was also bad.


  1. That was a remarkable level of heavy fog! I'm glad you stopped and waited it out. I liked the shots of the cranes. We have none here that I know of.

  2. Glad you (obviously) got home safe and sound!

  3. The fog looks really thick, as the saying goes "pea soup fog." I'm glad you played it safe!

    I have never seen sandhill cranes in person, so for me this is a treat.

  4. Rose: Wonderful capture with the cranes. I would love to see them.

  5. Fog just really makes me uneasy when I am in the car...driving or passenger, I don't like it either way. Good decision not to continue to travel in it! Have a great week, I am enjoying your postings featuring Lorelei, what a doll!

  6. Fog is great for photographs but not so great to drive in. I've driven in it where you literally could not see the road! Yikes!

    Love the Sandhill Cranes!

  7. It's scary driving in the fog for sure especially when you hear of wrecks like that. I love your foggy pictures!

  8. I hope your next trip there will be much better Rose.
    I hate being somewhere in the middle of the day when I know even before I shoot that the pictures won't be good. At least you got some of the cranes just wading in the puddle. :)

  9. I don't like driving in fog because of what happens. Awesome pictures and I would love to get a close up of a sandhill crane.

  10. Gorgeous fog pictures and lovely sandhill cranes!!! SWEET SET!

    (I love Neil Young!)

  11. At least you saw them! Nice foggy shots, too!


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