
Friday, March 19, 2010

Lending new meaning to the term red-hot

Roger just finished a new knife, which I shall feature on my other blog here shortly. Not the knife in his forge shown here....he was using it as a heating element to heat his quenchent.
When he uses his forge he has it in the open door of his really heats up the place....these pictures just do not capture the heat radiating from it. Though they are better if enlarged.
Here he is getting ready to submerge the knife blank to heat his quenchent.
All his friends bring him steel...he likes 1095 series leaf-spring steel to make them. He does the knife from start to finish.

He also made the gas forge shown here...I have another post about it but have to get the pictures uploaded for it again.


  1. Looks like your hubby is quite a blacksmith... Is that what he did in his career----or is it just a hobby???? Bet he makes great knives.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I got warm just looking at these pictures. I hope you'll share more about Roger's black-smithing in the future.

  3. This is a very interesting series to accompany your other blog showing the knife. I especially like the flame spilling out the open door... nice action shot.
    That is quite skill to be able to go from spring-steel to blade and create the handle too.

  4. I have vague recollections of working with steel in a shop class in school...

    This is fascinating stuff. You can "feel" the heat in that second photo...

    Does hubby sell his knives? I'd be interested...

  5. WOW! That's really exciting! Interesting. I love watching stuff like that.

  6. My husband started doing some blacksmithing not long ago. He has an anvil only tho. I'll have to show him this post and Rogers knife on your other blog.

  7. I'm going to have to show my husband this, Rose. He's a woodworker and appreciates handmade items.

  8. What a skill your man as Rose..... I've seen a post or two about his knifes so will make the time to nip over after.. but first I see a post or two here to catch up on..

  9. This would be fascinating to watch. Mike would enjoy this sort of thing. That looks really hot!


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