
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Look at this face!!!

Would you believe she has a cold and still keeps a face like this?
At least most of the time...when she tries to take a nap, she can wake up a little bit upset because she is so stuffy she can't breath.
The rest of the time, she keeps a good attitude.
Roger also has a cold...he did not go with me today. It was just the toot and I. She is one happy, busy little girl. She can really stay occupied with things....she can play by herself and be happy. But she loves interaction...and she is beginning to know she is supposed to smile for the camera!
When I finally got settled down tonight to sit, we started to watch the movie, Blind Side. We knew we wanted to see when it first started being advertised. Let me tell you, it is one of the very best movies ever! At least in my opinion. And to realize it is all true. It is one of those movies that I would not mind of those that I will watch any time I see it on.


  1. Blind Slide is in my Netflix queue. It is a movie that I've wanted to see as well. Lorelei's smile is so cute!

  2. Oh ---what a cutie pie... Love those little cheeks....

    When are the kids moving??? I know you will have to drive farther to see her---but it will be worth it. At least they aren't moving to CA.

    I still haven't seen the Blind Side--but I want to see it...

  3. It's wonderful that Lorelei is so cheerful. She has a great smile.

  4. What a delight Lorelei must be for you, she is so precious! Thank you for sharing your pics with us!

    I have heard from many at the school that the movie "Blind Side" is excellent, it is on my list to see! Have a great week!

  5. Ah....I don't think I would recognize her without the huge grin she always has :-)

  6. you titled this post appropriately- yes, just look at that face! Aren't grandkids wonderful!

  7. What a kid! She looks like so much fun! And she's so beautiful!

  8. Couple bucks for tissues, a lil more time keeping an extra eye out for her cuz of the cold & stuffy nose...


  9. What a nice series of Lorelei with that wonderful grin.
    She is a marvel to look so happy when feeling so punk.

  10. Lorelei is such a precious little girl and that smile will win a lot of hearts. Hope she gets over that cold soon. I have Blind Side on my table right now, ready to watch sometime today.

  11. That really is a face-splitting smile!! How can anyone not smile when they see that??

  12. She is precious, my fav pic is the 3rd one.


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