
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another story unfinished.....

When we were going to Bridgeton and Mansfield the other day....the first time...there was this cross at a country intersection, I think in Vigo County. The most I can find is that he was born March 31, 1982 and died August 5, 1997. It just made me wonder what he would have accomplished had he lived...and made me wonder what happened. I cannot imagine being his mom and dad...I don't even like to try to imagine.

I tend to look at the obituaries in the newspapers...mainly the ones from home. When someone has died in their 50's or younger, I can't help but think what a short life. And of course, I think Wow, they are are close to 100 yrs old when I see some one up in their 80's, and occasionally their 90's.

But no matter the age, I often wonder what their story was...everyone has one. I wonder what they did as children, wonder what their schooling was like, what games did they play. And on the obituaries I see up here of people that were born in some other state other than a neighboring state, I wonder what the story is behind them moving here.

I don't mean to be morbid...people and their life just interest me.


  1. I too wonder about people who die --and what their lives could have been. For some reason, God must have had something special in heaven for them to do!!!! At least that is what I say to myself.

    It's very hard to explain to parents how why can lose a child who is so young. Sometimes they get mad at God --and blame God for taking the child away from them. I tell them that humans have the free will to make decisions on their own. God is here for them--but things DO happen which we cannot explain, or sometimes control.

    It's interesting to think about all of this--but truly, we humans don't have the answers. Once we get to heaven, maybe we'll understand the 'meaning of life--and death'...

    Great post.

  2. Rose: It is too bad you can't tell the story of this young lad.

  3. I don't think you're morbid at all. It would be fascinating to learn more of an untold story of 'ordinary' people.

  4. A fine shot of this memorial. It does cause one to be nostalgic and thoughtful. I often think it is too bad that we don't become interested in historic facts about family until many have passed on...along with things we'd like to know about their past.

  5. I know his stepgrandad was Emmett Munyon of Terre Haute and there's a scholarship in his name.

    I also read the obituaries and do the same thing you do, Rose.

  6. So sad.

    There is one of these in the middle of the woods at Belle Isle. Makes me wonder what happened there.

  7. Wow! I could have written this! I love people's life stories and love cemeteries and always read the obits before any other part of a newspaper.
    Wonderful post!

  8. You're not morbid at all. I wonder the same thing as well. This was a nice post Rose.

  9. I'm the same way Rose. I wonder about this and that.

  10. A very dramatic photo. I, too, always wonder about the people involved when I see these kinds of things. We maybe wouldn't want to know, though...

  11. I'm always sad when I see those crosses in the intersections and know that some life ended there and someone loved them enough to leave a marker. Unfinished you say.

  12. 15 years is a very short life, that's for sure.


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