
Saturday, May 1, 2010

How quickly we forget

I was looking for something to post tonight and came across this...I feel chilled just looking at it. I at least feel sure I remember being cold while taking the photograph.

That is the thing about photographs...they are remembrances of things past...of things we have seen. Things that have brought feelings rushing to the forefront, that makes us want to capture a moment in time.

I feel compelled to take photographs. When I was young, I always had my camera with me....though at that time I did not have the money to take near all the photographs I wanted. Then through the years of raising our girls, working, and just life in general my cameras fell by the wayside. I did take a lot of photographs of them when they were young, and a few when we would go to Tennessee. But the camera was no longer my constant companion.

The past year or two the camera has regained its place...I take either either one or both of them with me almost every where we go. If I leave home without, most times I regret it. I see things that are just so beautiful, I want to capture that moment in time. Sometimes looking at things with the camera makes me see stuff I would not have noticed otherwise.

Also, I get so much enjoyment from looking at old, old photographs of times past, it makes me want to start recording things as they are now to leave for future generations. There is nothing I like better than finding digital libraries on line....specially when they are about Tennessee.


  1. Hi Rose, Gorgeous picture---and yes, it did make me shiver. Hope you are high and dry. TN is getting tons and tons of rain. We are on the way to the beach in NC today ---and I keep hearing about all of the rain and storms in TN.. Hope I have a home to go back to.

    We are spending the night in Simpsonville, SC --after seeing some waterfalls today in GA.

    Wonder what we ever did when we didn't have digital cameras??? I can take 20 pictures to get one good one these days!!!!! ha


  2. After having those dreaded "night sweats" this sure has cooled me down :)
    Wonderful picture Rose. I always end up regretting it when I don't grab my camera.

  3. Rose: That is a neat look back in time, I hope you are safe from the storms.

  4. That is a very cold looking bridge. The entire colorcast is cold looking. Very nice shot. It took me a long time of missing shots until one day I decided the camera would always be with me... so now when I leave the house, I check my billfold, the iphone and the camera in my pocket! My pockets bludge somewhat like a chipmunk's. :-)

  5. Quite cold & quite beautiful!

    I know I've said it before, I love that header photo!!!

  6. It does look cold! Such a beautiful shot - looks great in black and white!

  7. Brrrrr! I don't think I want to remember at the moment :-) Like you, I can't stop taking photos and storing them. What on earth will my children do with all my 1000's of photos that are on the computer some day when I am gone? I don't think the birds and things that I saw and got so much joy from will mean a thing to them and I'm sure they will delete any but the family photos. I never leave home without my camera either.

  8. I haven't forgotten...I just don't want to think about it! ~8-)

  9. I long for the hot August day when I actually feel a pang of nostalgia for winter. I assume maybe August 2012...

  10. Hi Rose,

    I really love reading your posts. I think you could do a book of your reminiscences...they are so very interesting.

    This photo was just what I was 97 degrees yesterday and 93 today and is supposed to be 91 tomorrow with scattered thunderstorms.

    So, when I say this is "cool," I really mean it.

    And tell you hubby he amazes me with his skill and creativity. I wonder if he's ever tried to sell his creations to fishing stores or sporting goods stores?

  11. I take my camera just about everywhere I go too, Rose. And like you I usually regret it if I leave it at home.

    I came to photography late in life because I didn't have the money to purchase film. I wish I'd started taking photos earlier, though, as I love "talking in pictures." :)


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