
Saturday, June 19, 2010

A church, I assume

On the way home, the other day we came to a four-way stop...thank goodness for that. I probably wouldn't have got this photograph if it hadn't. And it was not a place to stop and back up. I snapped this one and one other...but I so would like to go back and look at it again. Click and enlarge it to see it better.

I would love to know just how old it is and the history...I even wondered had it been a school. I tend to think it was a church because of the windows but whatever it was, I bet it would have tons of stories to tell if the walls could talk. Look at that tin roof...can you imagine a preacher trying to deliver his sermon with a hard rain or hail falling? If you have never been in a building with a tin roof, you don't know what you have missed.

I did not see a sign of any kind around it...weeds were growing up all around it. It just seemed to be in a sad state, but there is that dumpster beside it so maybe someone is trying to do something with it. I sure hope they are.

Now, take a good look at this church and go take a look at this picture posted by Don at Slackwater. It was taken by a friend of his...all I am going to say is that my mouth fell open when I saw it! I just cannot comprehend how it was built at the time it was built...I can't even comprehend starting the project this day and age. Later, after seeing it, I thought to google 'The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood,' then clicked images to see more detailed photos of the architecture. I was even more impressed after doing that.


  1. I would love to know more about this building. Wouldn't it be great if walls could talk, we would know so much more about these old buildings.

  2. I like the old school or church building you luckily stopped long enough to shoot. I know the urgent feeling of trying to take picture and contend with traffic. Thanks for the link to Joyce's cathedral picture. I find that place completely amazing too.

  3. Odd about coincidences. I took a picture of an almost identical building yesterday--like yours and it is an old Grange Hall. I'm thinking school for yours. I am going to check out the links you posted.

    As for the inside of the iold barn it seems very clean although very empty. Lots of cobwebs. I'll have to take some pics. MB

  4. It could be an old school building, too! It would be nice if it could be restored. Actually, I would think it nice if rain was falling and I couldn't hear the preacher! :-)

  5. I agree that this building would have many stories to tell. I think it would be nice if someone did fix it up.
    Thanks for the link to the cathedral.

  6. I'm thinking school as I don't see any visible evidence of a steeple.
    Hope you get to go back that way and check it out closer and hope the dumpster wasn't because they were going to tear it down. It would be a shame.
    Off to check out your links now.

  7. Well...your little church might not be quite so grand as the other, but I bet it has better stories to tell :-) I love how your imagination works when you see these buildings.

  8. The cathedral is an amazing structure, that's for sure. Buildings like that took decades to build, though, and an incredible amount of money.

    I like plainer, more humble churches. :)

    A metal roof. Hmmm. That would be kind of noisy for a school OR a church.

  9. It is a nice old building. It would be nice to know its history. I posted a few pictures today that I took of a church in Hawaii.

  10. Yes, that looks like an old church... I'll bet there was some great 'singin' to come from that church at one time....

    That church in Russia is amazing.... The architecture is marvelous... Wow!!!!



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