
Sunday, July 11, 2010

From the roadside

I was so excited to see this Tiger Swallowtail, I did not even notice the tattered wings...not even on the right. S/he is still a beauty in my book.

I tried to capture several butterflies, but this is the only one that was still enough for me to have any luck...and even with it I snapped two photos and it was gone.


  1. Wow Rose... That is a gorgeous butterfly... I wouldn't have noticed her tattered wing either... What beautiful colors!!!

    Hope you have a great Monday.

  2. No one is perfect. It is a beautiful butterfly even with a tattered wing.

  3. That is a very nice picture....very clear. I love the butterfly. :)

  4. Hi might want to check out Ocala Daily Photo...I think you'll find it interesting!

  5. Excellent! How come my butterflies always turn into flutterbys...bye, bye...and I miss the shot?

  6. It is beautiful even with tattered wings. I don't know how their delicate wings manage to survive long enough to last their life time. I have seem more Tigers than usual this year. I have a couple hanging around my phlox right now.

  7. A little worn but still beautiful!

  8. Hello Rose.
    I hope this finds you and yours all well...

    What a beauty this is... it might be a tad tatty here and there but that add to the story... I've never seen a Swallow Tail.. but I think we do get the odd ones in the UK...

    I've had a quick look around to catch up and seen your beautiful princess Lorelei... as lways it as been a pleasure.

    Tom x

  9. Super capture, Rose.
    Tattered and torn sure doesn't take away from it's beauty. MB

  10. A beautiful butterfly shot. Too bad about it tattered wing. Nice shot anyway.

  11. Over from Jacob's to say hi .. lovely photos

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Rose: Neat capture even with the tatter on the wing.

  14. Well, I am jealous! I have seen a few but NONE have stopped long enough to capture them with my lens.


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